Blohm & Voss BV 222 Wiking - Wikipedia
The Blohm & Voss BV 222 Wiking (pronounced "Veeking") was a large six-engined German flying boat designed and built by the German aircraft manufacturer Blohm & Voss.It was the largest Axis flying boat to enter production and operation during the Second World War. [1] [2]The BV 222 was originally developed during the late 1930s as a commercial venture to …
BV 222運輸機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
布洛姆-福斯BV 222 維京人(德語:Wiking)是在二次大戰服役於納粹德國空軍的一款大型六引擎式的水上飛機(飛艇)。 起源是設計一款商用運輸機,故它的產量頗為有限,BV 222是戰爭中製造出最大的並投入作戰的飛艇。
Blohm und Voss Bv 222 - Plane-Encyclopedia
The Bv 222 V3 prototype had a much shorter operational service life. It made its first test flight on the 28th November 1941. It was lost on the 30th June 1943 while on a patrol mission across the Atlantic. Bv 222 V4 was initially used in a transport mission above the Mediterranean. On 10th December 1942, it was damaged by Allied raids.
Bv222水上飞机 - 百度百科
Bv222维京(Wiking)是二战中最大的军用水上飞机,这种飞机的翼展有46米,高10.9米,机身长37米,长度是B-29的一倍半,最大起飞重量49吨,在尺寸和重量上大大超过同期各国研制的水上飞机。这个海上巨兽配备11名机组人员,最大航程7000公里,最大滞空时间达到了惊人的33小时!堪称德国航空工业在大型 ...
Largest Operational Seaplane of WWII - Blohm & Voss BV 222 Wiking …
2018年8月15日 · BV 222 “Wiking” on the water ready to be loaded. The existence of the BV 222 sprang from a design in 1936 which was made by Dr. Richard Vogt.. Prior to the Second World War, the German airline Deutsche Lufthansa A.G was on a commercial aircraft project which received a design for the Ha 222: a huge flying boat.This design was created by Dr. Richard Vogt of the aircraft manufacturer ...
Blohm & Voss BV 222 | Military Wiki - Fandom
The Blohm & Voss BV 222 Wiking (German: "Viking") was a large, six-engined German flying boat of World War II. Originally designed as a commercial transport, and produced in only limited quantities, it was both the largest flying boat and largest aircraft to achieve operational status during the war. Prior to World War II, the German airline Luft Hansa had carried out many transatlantic mail ...
2021年6月25日 · 不过bv 222也不总是挨打,在1943年10月22日,由埃弗特 中尉 指挥的bv 222 v4号机使用防御火力击落了一架 美国海军 的b24“解放者” 重型轰炸机。 战后被英军缴获的BV222 C-12号,已经涂上了英国皇家空军的标识,该机在1947年报废。
Blohm & Voss BV 222 Wiking – The German Sky Ship - PlaneHistoria
2022年3月3日 · The Blohm and Voss BV 222 Wiking was an enormous six-engine seaplane developed by the Germans just after the start of World War II. The aircraft was relatively successful and the even larger BV 238 was later developed from it four years later.. Several variants were made and used, some of which were used as cargo transports, for passenger flights and as an air ambulance.
Bv 222 - Nevington War Museum
The BV 222 dropped a spare wheel for a Fw 200 which had sustained damage during landing near the station. V2 briefly wore US markings in 1946. It had identification markings given to her from the original V5 aircraft for Operation Schatzgräber. V2 was later scuttled by the British who filled her with BV 222 spare parts from the base at Ilsvika ...
水上飞机中的“史前巨兽”,希特勒出逃座机,Bv 222的前世今生
2019年8月3日 · 文章摘自《世界军事》2016年第1期《“史前巨兽”Bv 222小传》(文:王轩;编辑:黄红华),图片来源于网络,如有侵权,联系删除。 特别声明:以上内容(如有图片或视频亦包括在内)为自媒体平台“网易号”用户上传并发布,本平台仅提供信息存储服务。