BRDM-1 - Wikipedia
It was the first purpose-built Soviet reconnaissance vehicle to enter service since the BA-64 and was built on the chassis and drive train of the BTR-40 armored personnel carrier. It is the world's first mass-produced combat vehicle of its class. [1]
BRDM - Wikipedia
The BRDM-1 (also known as the BTR-40 P) [2] first appeared in 1959, and was in production until 1966. Total production was around 10,000 vehicles; less than 600 remain in the reserves of a number of countries. It was armed with a pintle-mounted heavy machine gun.
BRDM-1两栖侦察车 - 百度百科
BRDM-1两栖侦察车是一款20世纪50年代中期研发的4×4装甲侦察车,具有陆地和两栖行驶能力,现虽已停产但在多国作为备用车辆使用。 [1] 车前尖锐,向上倾斜,内含引擎,载员舱延伸至车尾,唯一出入通道是顶舱门。 车身侧面和尾部竖直,载员舱的正面、侧面和尾部内倾,正面有两块装甲盖板,侧面有两个射孔。 车体两侧负重轮之间各有两个腹轮,在道路上行驶时升起,防浪板不使用时收在车前之下。 车尾下安装单个喷水式推进器,当车辆为陆地模式时被掩盖。 [1] …
钢华202008期卫星:前苏联装甲导弹车——BRDM …
1957年本车正式加入苏联陆军,并获得正式名“战斗侦查巡逻车”(Bronirovannaya Razvedyvatelnaya Dozornaya Mashina,缩写为BRDM),直到1962年BRDM-2开始批量生产,原先的BRDM才被改名为BRDM-1。
BRDM-1 amphibious scout car (1957) - tank-afv.com
More than converting a BTR-40 to be amphibious, they built a boat-shaped hull with a convertible wheeltrain, 4x4 or 8x8 to increase mobility of the worst soft grounds like swamps, sand, deep mud, creating a truly all-terrain vehicle.
БРДМ-1水陆两用轮式侦察车 - 百度百科
БРДМ-1水陆两用轮式侦察车是一款苏联的水陆两用轮式侦察车。 苏联于1956年2月完成了该车的第一辆样车,并在黑海地区进行试验,翌年决定采用,1957年末投产。
BRDM-1: An amphibious reconnaissance vehicle - Spec Ops …
2022年8月8日 · BRDM-1 is the first purpose-built Soviet amphibious armored scout car to enter service. It was a successor of the older BA-64 and was built on the chassis and drive train of the BTR-40 armored personnel carrier. It is the world’s first mass-produced combat vehicle of …
BRDM-1装甲侦察车上路引发民众围观 俄罗斯武器收藏家的最爱
2020年2月6日 · brdm-1装甲侦察车可以看作是苏联轻型装甲车辆的重要里程碑,代表了二战后苏军对相应车型的需求和解决方案。 从最初的5人车组、80千米/小时的设计需求,到后来的BRDM-1,苏联的工程师给出了一个符合当时技术水平的答案。
BRDM-1 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The BRDM-1 (Bronirovannaya Razvedyvatelnaya Dozornaya Mashina, Бронированная Разведывательная Дозорная Машина, literally "Armored Reconnaissance/Patrol Vehicle" †) was an amphibious armored scout car used by Russia and the former Soviet Union.
BRDM-1 Scout Car - WarWheels.Net
The BRDM-1 is derived from and replaced the open topped BTR-40 Armored Scout Car and was succeeded by the BRDM-2 Scout Car Series. In fact, the BRDM-1 is so closely related to the BTR-40, its original designation was BTR-40P (P= denoting it's amphibious capability).
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