BMP-3 ‘Manul’: Pouncing Predator - War Thunder - Official Forum
2024年8月27日 · The BMP-3 ‘Manul’ itself is actually an evolution of another infantry fighting vehicle, the BMP-3M ‘Dragoon’ (image below). Precursor of the ‘Manul’, the ‘Dragoon’. The most notable changes from the BMP-3M ‘Dragoon’ to the BMP-3M ‘Manul’ is the integration of the TKB-945 Bumerang-BM unmanned combat module that is seen on ...
BMP-3 ATGM autoloader missing - War Thunder - Official Forum
2023年7月24日 · Im talking about the retrofiting of the BMP-3, since thats whats ingame atm, just incomplete. BMP-3 with autoloader (and also IRST) is BMP-3M that never seen service in russian army. There are two variants of BMP-3 with Sodema in russian service: old BMP-3s retrofited with Sodema and newly produced with Sodema already installed.
BMP-3 - History, Design, Variants - War Thunder - Official Forum
2024年9月28日 · The BMP-3: Heir of a Revolutionary History <details><summary>History</summary>During the 1960’s, the Soviet Union set out requirements for a new type of vehicle: a BMP (Boyevaya Mashina Pyekhoty), or infantry fighting vehicle. This vehicle would be used to transport troops to the battlefield while still having enough firepower …
Question about BMP-3’s ATGM reload rate - War Thunder
2023年9月26日 · The BMP-3 has been in war thunder nearly 4 years. We know one of the biggest cons for it is the 9M117 GLATGM is its reload rate. Because Gaijin put an early version in game. It doesn’t like advanced version that GLATGM all placed in autoloader. It is totally manually. Now it has 23s reload time for ATGM which is a little bit slow. Today I just read Chinese military …
We need T-80BV(mod.1985) for USSR/CCCP - War Thunder
2024年10月27日 · I think BMP-3M would be great. 3 Likes. Misaka19802 October 28, 2024, 8:58am 4. new T-80B for Russian (x) ...
Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees) …
2024年7月10日 · BMP-3M BAIKAL. brm-3k rys. there is some i didn’t mention , as 1 they haven’t been built yet , are just not interesting enough or are unmanned drones (and most of the newer varient post 2022 , because there usualy just added cope cage and that’s it)
Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees)
2024年8月11日 · BMP-3 Karkas-II ERA Kit (4S24) | BR 10.3. Modern BMP-3, Sodema sight included. 3UBR11 APFSDS-T rounds. Production vehicle. BMP B-19 | BR 10.0. Modern turret and heavy armament. LShO-57/AGS-57 57mm automatic gun, 5-shell belts. Unknown 57mm ammunition, not the same gun as the 2A90 57mm gun. 4x Kornet ATGM’s. Excessively tall …
The BMD-4M Should Be Added as Both a Tech Tree and Premium …
2024年12月11日 · Yes, essentially. Besides the better mobility and better reload, the BMD-4 is pretty much functionally identical to the BMP-3. Access to APFSDS doesn’t matter because the BMP-3 could use it in game too if Gaijin implemented it, as BMP-3 …
Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees)
2024年7月22日 · Also, since this is about BMP-3 and the obligatory yap about its missile reload must happen. Saying if gaijin doesn’t give us the BMP-3M fitted with Bakhcha-U, they could always maybe model this in? having a fixed ~14-15 second reload would sure …
Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees)
2024年7月10日 · BMP-3M BAIKAL. brm-3k rys. there is some i didn’t mention , as 1 they haven’t been built yet , are just not interesting enough or are unmanned drones (and most of the newer varient post 2022 , because there usualy just added cope cage and that’s it)