Online portal for Bangalore Electricity Supply Company Limited (BESCOM) offering various services like bill payment, account management, and user registration.
SL No Mode of Payment Bill Amount (in Rs.) MDR /Convenience Charges To be borne by; 1: Debit Card: Less than or equal to Rs. 2000: 0.40% of Bill Amount (As per RBI Guidelines)
Step 1: To Register the customer portal to avail the various services - Select the login > customer login page in the home page. Step 2: Once clicking on the customer login page. Select 'Click here to Register' since the account is not registered.
Account Summary page gives you a brief description of the consumer’s account. The description includes primary details like Favorite Account, Account ID& Name, Mailing Address, Amount Due, Due Date etc. It also provides a link corresponding to …
BESCOM measures. BESCOM is happy to extend EoDB (Ease of Doing Business) services for applicants applying New Connection for Educational institutions, Hospitals, Warehouses Commercial, EV charging stations & Industries in Bengaluru city for LT applications from 50 KW up to 150 KW and for HT applications fron 25 KVA to 200 KVA.