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High‐fat diet protects the blood–brain barrier in an Alzheimer's ...
Here, we investigated the effects of high‐fat diet (HFD), a model for T2D, on the Tg2576 mouse model of AD, in regard to BBB function. We showed that HFD mice had higher weight, more insulin resistance, and higher serum HDL cholesterol levels, primarily in Tg2576 mice, which also had higher brain lipids content.
Obesity-induced blood-brain barrier dysfunction: phenotypes and ...
2024年4月27日 · The disruption of BBB integrity or non-specific leakage of the BBB, as it is commonly referred to, is a recurrent phenotype observed in obesity, especially in the context of high-fat diet (HFD) intake with a wide duration from 8 to 36 w [72,73,74,75]. This section seeks to elucidate the molecular mechanisms and phenotypic changes underlying ...
High-Fat Diet-Induced Blood–Brain Barrier Dysfunction: Impact on ...
2024年10月18日 · We demonstrated that, within a short period (8 weeks), an HFD (60% of daily intake) leads to significant changes in metabolism and triggers the development of MetS, with impacts on allodynia and motor activity, as well as changes in the BBB, GFAP, and CX43 intensity and ultrastructural modifications in key brain regions, including the ...
High-fat diet exacerbates lead-induced blood-brain barrier ... - PubMed
Blood-brain barrier (BBB) is a rigorous permeability barrier for maintaining homeostasis of CNS. The damage of BBB caused by tight junctions (TJs) disruption is central to the etiology of various CNS disorders. This study aimed to investigate whether HFD could exacerbate Pb exposure induced the destruction of BBB integrity by TJs disruption.
好文推荐 | 肥胖引起血脑屏障功能障碍的表型和机制研究进展
2024年2月29日 · bbb完整性的破坏或通常所提及的“bbb渗漏”,是在肥胖状态下特别是hfd摄入背景下所观察到的常见表型,是由多种因素相互作用形成的复杂病理状态。 肥胖引起的BBB渗漏的一个关键因素是紧密连接蛋白的失调。
高脂饮食可保护阿尔茨海默氏病小鼠模型的血脑屏障,Aging Cell - X …
在这里,我们就BBB功能研究了高脂饮食(HFD)(一种T2D模型)对AD Tg2576小鼠模型的影响。 我们显示,HFD小鼠具有更高的体重,更多的胰岛素抵抗和更高的血清HDL胆固醇水平,主要存在于Tg2576小鼠中,而Tg2576小鼠的脑脂质含量也更高。 在行为方面,与常规饮食中的Tg2576相比,Tg2576 HFD小鼠的活动性较低,更焦虑,但在Morris水迷宫中的学习效果更好。 HFD对Tg2576小鼠皮层的淀粉样蛋白1–42的水平没有影响,但会增加海马中胰岛素受体的转录水平 …
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Vitamin D administration, cognitive function, BBB permeability …
Vitamin D supplementation in the HFD group significantly reduced body weight, NF-κB concentrations, BBB permeability and increased BDNF concentrations in the hippocampus. Conclusions: Vitamin D reversed HFD-induced cognitive impairments by reduction of the NF-κB and elevation of BDNF concentrations and modulation of the BBB permeability in ...
Bone-derived PDGF-BB enhances hippocampal non-specific …
2024年4月29日 · Our findings confirm the role of bone-secreted PDGF-BB in neuroinflammation and the transcytosis shift in the hippocampal region during HFD challenge and identify a novel mechanism of microglia-endothelial crosstalk in HFD-induced metabolic syndrome.