ASCII art of letters, with the letters using their own characters
Apr 5, 2017 · A BBBBBB CCCCC A A B B C C A A B B C A A BBBBBB C AAAAAAA B B C A A B B C C A A BBBBBB CCCCC or better yet, something more compact, like: A BBBB CCCC A A …
text processing - Finding two patterns in a line and remove the ...
Nov 18, 2021 · Consider this program: awk '{n=index($0,"BBBB"); print substr($0,n+4)}' input.txt This will locate the first occurence of the substring BBBB in the current line (denoted by $0) …
Why am I getting this output in from sort? [closed]
Jun 12, 2018 · <<<<<<<<B<<<B<<<B<<<<<<<<B<B<<<<B<B<B<B<<<<<B<<<<B<<<<BB<<<BB<<<BBB<B<B<BBBB<B<B<BBB<BBB<BB<B<B<<BBB<BBB<BBBBB<B<0BBBBBBBB<<70 …
comparing 2 files in csv based on few columns and replace one …
Nov 9, 2022 · Using Miller (mlr) to perform a relational JOIN operation on the named fields that the two files have in common: $ mlr --csv join -j …
What $ {var/a/b/\c} means? - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange
> bbbb Thus in your first example your parameter was "a/b" and you told bash to replace the first occurence of "b" in "a/b" (the value of var) with the string "c/d" (which results in "a/c/d").
Reformat delimited file with rows splitted into multiple lines
Jun 14, 2019 · I have an input like this: FIELD1 FIELD2 FIELD3 FIELD4 aaaa bbbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kk llll kk It should be a space separated l...
What is the proper way to display IPv6 Addresses in /etc/hosts
Apr 11, 2018 · Hey Michael, I totally get this. My work uses a highly customized RHEL6.x / 7.x Image. I've been running across hosts with the IPv6 address stated in both ways above. I've …
The simplest method to count lines matching specific patterns ...
For example: aaaa bbbb cccc dddd eeee ffff The log files can look like this: asd dfg aaaa aaaa sa sdf dddd dddd dddd dddd ghj bbbb cccc cccc cccc fgg fgh hjk The first (and perhaps most …
sed - Tell a regex expression to skip the beginning of a line before ...
I only want it to match ./aaaa/bbbb/cccc/ but I can't figure out how to do it. I want to specifically match/find all occurrences of "everything before a forward slash up to and including the slash" …
text processing - grep one line before the match plus the match
You can do: grep -B 1 '&$' your_file This will look for lines ending in &, remove $ to match lines with & anywhere in them. The -B switch tells grep to output "context" lines that come before …