Avatar texture band on neck-how to fix it? - Second Life
2020年11月20日 · I have mesh body Maitreya and Logo Chelsea head, bakes on mesh, and when I apply any skin textures I get a band on the avatar neck. I am wearing nothing on my neck that would create this band. Anyone know how to fix it so that it goes away?
Someone animating my avatar - Second Life
2024年1月14日 · The "reset skeleton & animation" option is client-side, so your avatar wouldn't get fixed on other people's screens even if Firestorm did undeform the avatar while stopping blacklisted animations. Edited January 14, 2024 by Wulfie Reanimator
Some weird stuff going on - Can't access certain sims
2014年2月28日 · Thier basic idea is to collect avatar names that have used the same IP address. Once they have the name, either the IP address or name will effectively block the avatar. With name blocking it would not matter what you login with. Using a new avatar with an old IP Address would just add the new name to the list.
If your avatar was in a band... - Second Life
2020年1月29日 · My avatar was in an SL band..Not a real band but one of those that put on those really big shows where they do a certain band and make all the stages and make the avatars like the band.. I never did one of those big shows but because I worked so hard at the animations I used that they made me a member..
Avatar not Rendering... - Second Life
2018年8月26日 · 3) Just to be super duper sure this isn't just a case of a missing body part (skin,shape, system hair, eyes), while logged in on the affected account, in the top menu bar of the viewer, go to Avatar (on Firestorm)/Me (on the LL viewer) -> Choose an Avatar. Select any of these starter avatars. This will replace outfit.
my avatar is deformed every time I log into sl, - Second Life
2015年3月12日 · Unable to find shape does lend me to believe it's a corruption or ip removal problem, though. Still, going back to a stock avatar is always a good option for problems like this. Once you've worn the stock avatar, try relogging to check if the problem is solved, and that it hasn't transferred over to this shape, as well.
Why is everything so big in SL? - Avatar - Second Life
2016年5月28日 · So, people set a numerically correct size for their avatar and get a bigger than expected avatar. The numbers are wrong. For proof, set your height and then rez a cube and make it the same height. The avatar is bigger. Plus there are other technical issues. They combine to push things to be bigger.
My avatar continues to show as a white blob irrespective of what I …
2013年1月3日 · So solutions range from trying to force your avatar textures to bake again, to investigating and solving the cause of the communications issue. NOTE: the RenderUnloadedAvatar debug setting is at best a band-aid solution; it will force your viewer to render an avatar using incomplete, possibly incorrect information, and works only for your ...
How do I get rid of this White Cloud as my Avatar?
2013年3月8日 · So solutions range from trying to force your avatar textures to bake again, to investigating and solving the cause of the communications issue. NOTE: the RenderUnloadedAvatar debug setting is at best a band-aid solution; it will force your viewer to render an avatar using incomplete, possibly incorrect information, and works only for your ...
Avatar attachments continually being detached - Second Life
2016年11月7日 · The idea now is: whenever the avatar is in the process of a TP/region crossing, ignore any messages of killing attached objects. This works quite good for TPs. For region crossings it needs some working around insufficient information if a region crossing has been successful or failed and might eventually lead into a situation of stuck ...