Audibility thresholds of amp and DAC measurements
2018年2月22日 · For these reasons, the audibility thresholds will deal with frequencies from 0 to 20 kHz. Dynamic range, linearity CDs, with undithered audio, have a maximum dynamic range of 96 dB (16 bits). Studies, such as the one conducted by Meyer and Moran, have shown 96 dB of dynamic range is transparent for any normal listening conditions.
Audibility of SINAD differences? - Audio Science Review (ASR) Forum
2024年12月29日 · After a gazillion of tests with all kinds of distortion (including IMD,TIM,etc) I now care only about the noise part of SINAD. Seems like the old 0.1% THD limit in the pro world is legit and plenty. Something must be seriously broken or …
Audibility of SINAD differences? - Audio Science Review (ASR) Forum
2024年12月29日 · As SINAD tests only one aspect of distortion the audibility can be quite different for different SINAD performance levels. It would be nice to have a new metric that with using psycho-acoustics makes a better estimator of audibility of the distortion. Something like x dB's below the audibility threshold when played a SPL level y. Lets call it ...
Audibility of Harmonic distortion - a blind test proposal
2019年11月23日 · Audibility of harmonic distortion depends on level, base frequency and spectral content. There is nothing like a single number as a harmonic distortion threshold. Below you can see that audibility of pure H2 starts at 0.1%. Higher harmonics are more audible than the H2. View attachment 40368 Source: Coding High Quality Digital Audio, J. ROBERT ...
sealed rolloff buys even more area under the potential audibility curve. Either way the system has enough margin, I highly suspect any audible difference between the two would have to do with frequency domain differences activating the room resonance modes vs. any group delay associated time distortion in the system.
Audibility of changes in volume - Audio Science Review (ASR) Forum
2021年11月1日 · There is the dB SPL which is also a ratio and 0dB is set as 20uPA (20 micro Pascal) at 1kHz and is supposed to be the audibility limit of a young person that has been present in an anechoic room. We can hear below 0dB SPL by the way, 0dB SPL is not 'no sound'.
Audibility of Small Distortions - Audio Science Review (ASR) Forum
2016年2月13日 · Audibility of Jitter Readers of my past articles are probably familiar with the concept of jitter distortion in digital systems. As a quick review, jitter is a variation in the speed with which we output our digital samples (so called DAC clock). The deviations from the ideal timing generate spikes on either side of our source frequencies.
Audibility of group delay at low frequencies
2019年4月25日 · I couldn't access the link (will try tonight). If the group delay is off then integration with the mains will be off resulting in frequency response aberrations.
Masking Studies and Relationship to Nonlinear Distortion …
2018年6月19日 · Typically, studies focused on nonlinear distortion audibility thresholds have applied particular degrees and types of distortion to signals (often music excerpts), and then used listening tests to try to determine thresholds of audibility by determining whether subjects can reliably distinguish between a distorted and an undistorted stimulus.
2021年1月9日 · distortion without discussing audibility thresholds [1], [36]. A big motivation for such test has been loudspeakers and their phase properties: the audibility of actual or simulated loud-speaker phase has been studied in [37]–[39] and loudspeaker equalization and its effects on the phase audibility have been studied in [14], [26], [28], [40].