The First Ever Cheesecake Was Served to Ancient Greek Olympic …
2024年9月17日 · The earliest cheesecake recipe is credited to Athenaeus in 230 A.D. although cheesecake is referenced and mentioned far before this recipe’s writing. Athenaeus said, “Take cheese and pound it till smooth and pasty; put cheese in a …
Cheesecake was invented in Ancient Greece, was served to the …
2016年10月6日 · The first earliest recorded Greek cheesecake recipe was made by the writer Athenaeus in 230 A.D. This is the oldest known surviving Greek recipe. The recipe itself was pretty simple: pound the cheese until it is smooth mix it in a brass pan with honey and spring wheat flour, heat the cheesecake “in one mass”, allow to cool, then serve.
Authentic Greek Recipes: Cheesecake From Ancient Greece
Cheese moulds dating from 2000 BC were excavated on the Greek island of Samos and the writer Athenaeus is credited with writing the first Greek cheesecake recipe in 230 AD - the oldest known surviving Greek recipe.
The Ancient Greek Origins Of The Classic Cheesecake
2024年3月1日 · In his 230 A.D. work "The Deipnosophists," a translation of which is provided by Tufts University's Perseus Digital Library Project, the Greek rhetorician Athenaeus instructed home cooks (by way of referencing an earlier cooking-related text) to "take some cheese and pound it" before adding honey and spring wheat flour and forming it "into one ...
The Rich History of a Favorite Dessert - Cheesecake.com
The writer Athenaeus is credited for writing the first Greek cheesecake recipe in 230 A.D. (By this time, the Greeks had been serving cheesecake for over 2,000 years but this is the oldest known surviving Greek recipe!)
Let’s go for cheesecake to Ancient Kydonia! - Eat Dessert First …
2019年11月12日 · Cheesecake was possibly offered to athletes participating in the first Olympic Games in 776 BC to give them energy. The first written recipe is traced much later, in the first Greek cookbook, The Deipnosophists by Athenaeus of Naucratis (170-230 AD).
The History of Cheesecake
2021年10月21日 · The earliest recipe for cheesecake dates back to 230 A.D. and comes to us from the Greek writer Athenaeus. Later, the Romans modified the Greek recipe by including crushed cheese and eggs. As the Roman Empire grew, cheesecake was introduced to the rest of Europe, and each region put their own unique spin on the recipe.
Plakountas – the 4000 years old Greek cheesecake
The earliest attested mention of a cheesecake is by the Greek physician Aegimus (5th century BC), who wrote a book on the art of making cheesecakes (πλακουντοποιικόν σύγγραμμα — plakountopoiikon syngramma).
Sejarah Cheesecake: Dari Yunani Kuno hingga Populer di Seluruh …
2024年9月28日 · Sejarah resep cheesecake pertama yang tercatat berasal dari seorang penulis Yunani bernama Athenaeus pada tahun 230 M. Resepnya sangat sederhana, ia menggunakan keju dihancurkan sampai halus, dicampur dengan madu dan tepung gandum. Setelah itu dipanaskan dan didinginkan sebelum disajikan.
Cheesecake de geschiedenis - Gastropedia
De schrijver Athenaeus wordt gecrediteerd voor het schrijven van het eerste Griekse cheesecake-recept in 230 na Christus (tegen die tijd serveerden de Grieken al meer dan 2000 jaar cheesecake, maar dit is het oudste bekende Griekse recept!)
Cheesecake History - Elena's Cookbook
The first Greek cheesecake recipe has been credited to the writer Athenaeus, although cheese had been used in many cakes before this. Physical anthropologists state that the first cheesecake had been created on the Greek island of Samos.
Surprising Things You Didn't Know About Cheesecake - Mashed
2021年3月20日 · According to Cheesecake.com, the very first cheesecakes may possibly date back some 4,000 years to the Greek island of Samos. The oldest surviving recipe was written down by the author Athenaeus in 230 A.D., and it consists of nothing more than wheat flour, honey, and cheese.
The Reason Cheesecake Isn't Technically Cake - Tasting Table
2023年1月17日 · Credit for the first-ever cheesecake recipe, however, goes to Greek writer Athenaeus, who jotted down a record in 230 A.D. — even though the dessert had already been around for centuries (via...
Ancient Greek Cheesecake Was Served To Athletes At The First …
2021年7月31日 · The oldest surviving Greek cheesecake recipe was recorded by the writer Athenaeus in 230 AD. The cheesecake recipe itself was pretty simple – pound the cheese until it is smooth, mix it in a brass pan with honey and spring wheat flour, heat the cheesecake “in one mass”, allow to cool, then serve.
Recipe: How to Make Your Very Own Ancient Greek Cheesecake
2015年9月3日 · Plakous (meaning ‘flat’) was such a popular dish in ancient Greece that the famous rhetorician Athenaeus extolled its virtues. We could have tried the ‘one mass’ cheesecake we mentioned earlier, but with one of Greece’s most famous rhetoricians recommending plakous, how could we say no?
Exploring the Rich History of Cheesecake - Swiggy Diaries
2025年1月8日 · Ancient Greek writer Athenaeus documented a recipe in 230 CE, providing one of the first recorded mentions of cheesecake. When the Roman Empire conquered Greece, they …
Ostkakans historia - Wienercafeet
Det första receptet på cheesecake skrevs år 230 av den grekiske författaren Athenaeus. Receptet var mycket enkelt – mal ost till en degig massa, blanda med honung och mjöl, grädda, låt svalna före servering.
Cheesecake History, Whats Cooking America
2018年11月22日 · Small cheesecakes were served to athletes during the first Olympic Games held in 776 B.C. on the Isle of Delos. 230 A.D. – According to John J. Sergreto, author of Cheesecake Madness, The basic recipe and ingredients for the first cheesecake were recorded by Athenaeus, a Greek writer, in about A.D. 230:
Myzithropita Recipe: A Greek Cheesecake - Culinary Backstreets
2020年9月25日 · Our Athens bureau chief, Carolina Doriti, shares her myzithropita recipe – this traditional Greek cheesecake is light, not too sweet and refreshing.
Cheesecake Revival - Lancaster County mag
Later, in 230 A.D., the Greek writer, Athenaeus, recorded a Greek version of the cheesecake. The Romans took this basic recipe a step further by adding eggs to cheese, flour and honey and calling it “Libum” or “Savillum.”