Asurada GSX - Future GPX Cyber Formula Wiki
The Asurada G.S.X is the first Asurada-type Cyber Formula developed for team Sugo Asurada. Developed by Hiroyuki Kazami and driven by his son Hayato Kazami, the car is first introduced in the Future GPX Cyber Formula TV series.
Future GPX Cyber Formula - Wikipedia
Future GPX Cyber Formula (新世紀GPX フューチャーグランプリ サイバーフォーミュラ, Fyūchā Guranpuri Saibā Fōmyura) is a Japanese futuristic motorsports anime television series produced by the advertising agency Asatsu-DK, the Tokyo-based entertainment producer VAP (Video & Audio Project), and the animation studio Sunrise.
Super Asurada 01 | Future GPX Cyber Formula Wiki - Fandom
The Super Asurada SA-01 was the 2nd Asurada vehicle built and the first with a transformation system. Developed by Hiroyuki Kazami and Claire Fortran in tandem with the Asurada cyber system while working for Missing Link, the vehicle was hidden from Smith and his henchmen at Kazami's mansion in...
閃電霹靂車賽車列表 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
最初是在Missing Link所開發,搭載成長學習型智能電腦「阿斯拉達」(Asurada),只要慢慢培養及成長便可令其駕駛者有著最好的支援,亦因為其可塑性無限幾乎可以配備任何的裝備以應付不同的任務,不過Missing Link主席史密夫想將其電腦系統投入戰爭用途,因此2015年初開發者風見廣之研發完成後祕密將阿斯拉達GSX送往日本的SUGO車隊。 其配備的多功能性及透過SUGO …
Team Sugo | Future GPX Cyber Formula Wiki | Fandom
Sugo GIO Grand Prix, formerly known as Sugo Asurada (Japanese: スゴウアスラーダ) and then Sugo Grand Prix, is a professional racing team featured throughout the Future GPX Cyber Formula franchise. It serves as the main protagonist team across most of the series.
From the science-fiction anime ‘Future GPX Cyber Formula,’ threezero and Megahouse are thrilled to announce VARIABLE ACTION Hi-SPEC UNITED FUTURE GPX CYBER FORMULA ASURADA G.S.X, which is available for pre-order starting on Friday, Feb 4, 2022 at noon (HKT)!
最早的是灰色的原形车:阿斯拉达,装备了卫星系统,矛钩前挡板以及 照明弹 装备,只在TV版的第一集出现过后就被改成赛车装备了. 第一次变化:阿斯拉达GSX,拆除了 卫星导航系统 和所有外带装备,将尾部加上了尾翼,以起到使气流变化的作用,推进器被强化了.车身整体为白和蓝色,因为是赛车装,所以很好认. 第二次变化:阿斯拉达GSX越野装:一改赛车装的样子,将车子的 …