6. Army of Occupation of Germany Medal. All Military Departments. Established by Act of Congress, November 21, 1941. Awarded for military service with the occupation forces in Germany,...
2019年1月6日 · DoD Occupation Specialty Codes and Competency Groupings Active Officer Competency Grouping Strength Trends “Triumph of the Tail over the Tooth” • Army • Air Force • Navy • USMC Medical Manpower by Service, Component, and Workforce Total Force Drill-Down Examples • Pharmacy • Public Affairs 4. Conclusion Summary of Findings
of Defense’s January 2016 decision to open all military occupations to women without exception may increase interest in military service among young women. 10. This summary report highlights...
Army-Employed Civilian Personnel on September 30, 2009, and September 30, 2010 25 3.3. he Relative Infrequency of Military-to-Civilian Conversion, Army, FYs 2009–2010 ..... 28 3.4. RAND-Estimated Military Positions Converted to Civilian Provision, FYs 2004–2012..... 29 3.5. Percentage of FY 2012 Military Personnel in Four-Character Occupation
Chapter 4 - Pay Grade
In the Army, Marine Corps, and Air Force, these pay grades correspond to the ranks of major (O-4), lieutenant colonel (O-5), and colonel (O-6), and in the Navy, lieutenant commander, commander,...
The Army continues to be the largest of DOD’s military services, with an FY17 AC endstrength of about 472,000; the Marine Corps is the smallest, with an AC endstrength of about 184,000.
Chapter 4 - Active Component Officers/Pay Grade
Officers in the next three pay grades (O-4 through O-6) are considered field grade officers. In the Army, Marine Corps, and Air Force, these pay grades correspond to the ranks of major (O-4),...
Chapter 4 - Active Component Officers/Characteristics
In total personnel, the Army is the largest Service, but the Air Force has the highest commissioned officer content. The Air Force stood at slightly more than 69,000 active duty officers in...
Chapter 5 - Selected Reserve Enlisted Accessions and Enlisted Force
The occupational distribution among the Active and Reserve Components varies (e.g., 11 percent of active Navy enlistees serve in administration while 22 percent of Naval Reserve [USNR] members...
AC Officer Source of Commissions - Under Secretary of Defense …
OCS/OTS exists as a rather quick commissioning source for college graduates who did not receive military training or indoctrination as part of their undergraduate education. This source also...