Apple Beta
Help make the next releases of iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS and HomePod software our best yet. As a member of the Apple Beta Software Program, you can take part in shaping …
Apple Beta — FAQ
As a member of the Apple Beta Software Program, you’ll be able to enroll your iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple TV, HomePod mini, HomePod (2nd generation) or Apple Watch to access the latest …
Apple Beta
Apple Beta 版软件计划 帮助我们把即将发布的 iOS、iPadOS、macOS、Apple tvOS、watchOS 和 HomePod 软件打造得更好。 作为 Apple Beta 版软件计划成员,你可以试用预发布版本的 …
Apple Beta
Aiuta a rendere le prossime versioni di iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS e software per HomePod le migliori di sempre. Facendo parte dell’Apple Beta Software Program, puoi …
Apple Beta — 常見問題
身為「Apple Beta 版軟體計畫」的成員,你可以註冊你的 iPhone、iPad、Mac、Apple TV、HomePod mini、HomePod(第二代)或 Apple Watch 來取用最新的 Beta 版以及之後的更新項 …
Apple Beta — FAQ
Program Apple Beta Software terbuka bagi siapa saja yang memiliki Akun Apple yang sah dan menerima Perjanjian Program Apple Beta Software selama proses pendaftaran. Jika Anda …
Apple Beta — FAQ
Là một thành viên của Chương trình Apple Beta Software, bạn sẽ có thể đăng ký iPhone, iPad, máy Mac, Apple TV, HomePod mini, HomePod (thế hệ 2) hoặc Apple Watch để truy cập các …
Apple Beta — Preguntas frecuentes
Como miembro del programa Apple Beta Software, podrás inscribir el iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple TV, HomePod mini, HomePod (2.ª generación) o Apple Watch para acceder a las versiones …
Apple Beta — Unenroll Your Devices
When your device is enrolled in the Apple Beta Software Program, you will automatically receive new versions of the beta. At any time, you may unenroll your device so that it no longer …
Apple Beta — FAQ
En tant que membre du programme de logiciels bêta d’Apple, vous pourrez inscrire votre iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple TV, HomePod mini, HomePod (2e génération) ou Apple Watch pour accéder …