WING/KOMPAKT HOLSTER BUY NOW — Antimatter Industries
THE MICRO WING - GLOCK (FOR STREAMLIGHT TLR 7 SUB GLOCK 43X AND 48) from $119.00 Out of Stock. Streamlight® TLR7 SUB. $135.00 Out of Stock. Surefire® X300 Turbo - B (thumbscrew model) $332.00 SPARE GRIP TAPE FOR WING. $6.00 ... $119.00 ANTIMATTER INDUSTRIES® ...
THE MICRO WING - 1913 PICATINNY (FOR ... - Antimatter Industries
The Micro Wing replaces your Streamlight TLR-7 SUB picatinny side lug. Once you draw, it auto-deploys letting you control recoil while still using your IWB or OWB Kydex holster. With a little practice, you’ll get it to collapse consistently with a one-handed re-holster.
THE MICRO WING - Antimatter Industries
The Micro Wing replaces your Streamlight TLR-7 SUB picatinny side lug. Once you draw, it auto-deploys, letting you control recoil while still using your IWB or OWB standard holster. With a little practice, you’ll get it to collapse consistently with a one-handed re-holster.
THE WING - X300/FULL SIZE (FOR SUREFIRE X300 ... - Antimatter …
The Wing replaces your Surefire x300 picatinny side lug. Once you draw, it auto-deploys, letting you control recoil while still using your IWB or Safariland holster. With a little practice, you’ll get it to collapse consistently with a one-handed re-holster.
Wing Faq — Antimatter Industries
WING PISTOL COMPATIBILTIY. The full-size Wing will only work with Surefire® x300/x400™ B Series (the cross bolt version) on certain pistols with pic rails: Surefire® Pistol Compatibility list here. While many pistols will work out of the box, some pistol frames can be easily modified to fit the Wing using a dremel, blade or file.
Scopeswitch™ - Zoom From The Rifles Handguard by Antimatter
At Antimatter, we machine in the US and employ citizens that believe in our 2A rights. We’re proud to manufacture in the greatest country on earth and refuse to make subpar products just to save a couple bucks.
Streamlight® TLR7 SUB - Antimatter Industries
IMPORTANT: The TLR7SUB comes in many versions. We only sell the GLOCK 43x 48x version and the 1913 version that works with our wings. Check the compatibility list before you buy. Warning: Permanently Modifying your Streamlight® TLR7-SUB in any way may void the warranty.
Buy Antimatter Products - Antimatter Industries
Antimatter Industries is a skunkworks program self-tasked with the development of small arm tech that increase effectiveness of the American Military, law enforcement and responsible citizens.
THE MICRO WING - 365/365 XL FRAMES (FOR ... - Antimatter …
The Micro Wing replaces your Streamlight TLR-7 SUB Sig side lug. Once you draw, it auto-deploys letting you control recoil while still using your IWB or OWB Kydex holster. With a little practice, you’ll get it to collapse consistently with a one-handed re-holster.
The Wing Install — Antimatter Industries
Streamlight™ WING INSTALL Warning: Permanently modifying your light or pistol may void its warranty. Antimatter Industries LLC will not replace pistol frames or lights.