Anthony Norcia | Department of Psychology - Stanford University
My research program centers around spatial vision and involves the use of behavioral, oculomotor, electrophysiological and functional MRI techniques in humans. My research has focused for many years on normal visual development as well as abnormal visual development in patients with strabismus, autism and cortical visual impairment.
Anthony Norcia's Profile - Stanford Profiles
Anthony Norcia is part of Stanford Profiles, official site for faculty, postdocs, students and staff information (Expertise, Bio, Research, Publications, and more). The site facilitates research and collaboration in academic endeavors.
The coffer illusion has people struggling to see circles - Upworthy
2024年12月20日 · An optical illusion created by vision scientist and psychologist Anthony Norcia looks like a group of rectangles, but if you look carefully you can also see 16 circles.
Current Position: Assistant Professor, Department of Neurology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA. NIH K23 Awardee: A multimodal imaging approach to understanding neural hyperexcitability. William V. Good (1998-2003) MD University of Cincinnati, 1977.
Anthony M. Norcia - Google Scholar
Anomalous motion VEPs in infants and in infantile esotropia. A Yonas, AG Bechtold, D Frankel, FR Gordon, G McRoberts, A Norcia, ...
Anthony Norcia - Professor (Research) of Psychology
Dr. Anthony Norcia's research program centers around spatial vision and involves the use of behavioral, oculomotor, electrophysiological and functional MRI techniques in humans.
Anthony Norcia | Smith-Kettlewell - ski.org
My research program centers around spatial vision and involves the use of behavioral, oculomotor, electrophysiological and functional MRI techniques in humans. My research has focused for many years on normal visual development as well as abnormal visual development in patients with strabismus, autism and cortical visual impairment.
Anthony Norcia | Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute
My research program centers around spatial vision and involves the use of behavioral, oculomotor, electrophysiological and functional MRI techniques in humans. My research has focused for many years on normal visual development as well as abnormal visual development in patients with strabismus, autism and cortical visual impairment.
Anthony Norcia - Professor - Stanford University | LinkedIn
Professor, Department of Psychology, Stanford University · I study the human visual system using a combination of experimental and computational modeling approaches. My areas of special...
- 职位: Professor, Department of …
- 位置: Stanford University
- 人脉数: 257
Anthony Norcia | Stanford HAI
Professor (Research) of Psychology. Get the latest news, advances in research, policy work, and education program updates from HAI in your inbox weekly.