Are the wool boreal/anoraks worth it? | Bushcraft USA Forums
2023年3月4日 · When the breeze blows at all it blows right through the army blanket coat. With a cotton shell over them to cut the wind the situation would be lots better. My Filson Double Mackinaw is warmer than either one. Make yourself an anorak and save the money for other things. Just my two cents and not worth a penny more.
Cotton & Cotton Canvas Jackets, Anoraks and Parkas (for arctic ...
2020年4月26日 · In an Anorak used as a component of an Arctic Survival clothing system, design , materials and construction must be held to the highest of standards... ECW seems to have no trouble maintaining those standards. That being said, My DT Anorak gets the tar beat out of it and it sheds wind and vents warm moist air better than most available systems.
DIY anorak questions - Bushcraft USA Forums
2024年3月11日 · 1. Going to do a DIY anorak from a wool blanket. This will be a loose fitting ( large size) anorak with a front storage pouch. What size blanket to order in order to have plenty of material to work with? 2. Any suggestions on where to purchase and what to look for such as quality, ease of working with material, durability or any other factors.
Skookumbrand Ivvavik Anorak Review | Bushcraft USA Forums
2020年1月12日 · I have and Empire Canvas cotton shell anorak, and another anorak something like yours, the latter is a throw on over a t-shirt in winter and I’m warm to 40 below,,, warmer if I keep moving. Cost wasn’t even on the importance factors when I was looking at either of mine, and neither were inexpensive.
Anorak pattern - Bushcraft USA Forums
2010年1月1日 · For those who have expressed an interest in transforming surplus military blankets into a functional (and possibly stylish!!???) winter anorak, I've put together a materials list and pattern dimensions. Trying to answer all of the questions beforehand is almost pointless. So, where possible, notations and comments will be added during the process.
Wool Anorak - Bushcraft USA Forums
2019年8月22日 · It's tough because you can't lay hands on the item. I went with the Boreal Mountain 100%. I chose Boreal because they also make the Canvas Anorak to go with it. Excellent craftsmanship on these items. Really didn't get a chance to use them last year as it was real warm here last winter. What I did wear was their wool vest! I absolutely love ...
WTS - - Boreal Mtn Anorak - Bushcraft USA Forums
2024年10月22日 · Worn 2-3x while sitting on a tractor snowblowing. Excellent shape. Warm with the right layers under it, even in 15F weather. I am 6-1, 190lbs. Basically a tall skinny guy with a gut. The anorak is an XL with the 3" added length+sleeves and it fits great. Plenty of room for a sweatshirt and wool...
Canvas vs wool anorak - Bushcraft USA Forums
2020年12月17日 · Cotton anorak is definately a killer in cold winter. A killer in the meaning of a frickin´ great shell! Had to take a picture of myself after coming home from work, where I go by bicycle. Wearing he swedish army surplus anorak to which I …
DIY Wool Anorak - Bushcraft USA Forums
2019年12月3日 · I want to have an anorak for more then few years now , I can't afford it but I want to make it , has anyone done it here and if so what pattern did you use? I saw the video Lonnie made but my blanket is too narrow to fit me that way, …
Boreal mountain Anoraks? - Bushcraft USA Forums
2018年6月23日 · Received my Loden 100% wool anorak and canvas windrak last Thursday, This is my first anorak purchase but I own a lot of other wool. I think you would be hard pressed to find this level of quality anywhere. Very high quality and I couldn't find any little thing to pick on even after turning the garment inside out to examine all the seems.