What does "With will annexed".. mean..? - Legal Answers - Avvo.com
2016年2月29日 · Community Guideline Update. Please note that our Community Guidelines have been updated. We are committed to maintaining the integrity and quality of the content posted by our legal community on our platforms.
What is the difference between "administrator with will annexed" …
2023年8月3日 · Community Guideline Update. Please note that our Community Guidelines have been updated. We are committed to maintaining the integrity and quality of the content posted by our legal community on our platforms.
What does it mean to probate a will in solemn vs common form?
2010年1月19日 · The primary differences between common form probate and solemn form probate are (1) the notice requirements, and (2) the finality of the process.
How would you define "contiguous property"? - Legal Answers
Community Guideline Update. Please note that our Community Guidelines have been updated. We are committed to maintaining the integrity and quality of the content posted by our legal community on our platforms.
Can neighbor claim adverse possession to take strip of my …
2018年2月24日 · I own an empty field that I mow with a bush hog a few times a year. A neighbor has several large trees growing along the edge of his property, adjacent to mine, and they overhang my property by 5 to 10 feet.
Is this a case of a Texas School District losing tort claim immunity ...
2017年11月26日 · The BISD did not possess the legal discretion to arbitrarily redefine the definition of “graduate” when deciding to perform this act. In 1982, to enforce a strict conservative reading of this same section code (Texas Education Code, § 54.201), a judge was required to define the word “highest” as “none higher”.
Filing DS-160, what is National Identification Number?
2024年7月28日 · I do not have an "Aadhar Number" anyway, so that's fine. However, I do have a "Hong Kong Identification Number". Does the HKID count as an NIN? Does the definition of a NIN being a unique number from "your government" mean that I should only consider any ID numbers provided to me by India (citizen) and not Hong Kong (permanent resident)?
What does no disposition mean on a criminal charge that you …
2011年12月1日 · Community Guideline Update. Please note that our Community Guidelines have been updated. We are committed to maintaining the integrity and quality of the content posted by our legal community on our platforms.
Does ET UX on a deed pass executive rights the wife?
2018年8月24日 · My grandparents owned a property where the deed was in my grandfathers name ET UX. My grandfather passed away 8 years ago and we were just notified this property was still in his name.
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