ANDREW KWOK - Texas A&M University
Dr. Andrew Kwok is an assistant professor in the Department of Teaching, Learning, and Culture in the School of Education and Human Development at Texas A&M. Dr. Kwok received a B.S. in Brain, Behavior, and Cognitive Sciences from the University of Michigan and a Ph.D. in Educational Studies with a focus on Teaching and Teacher Education from ...
Updated 05/27/2020 Kwok-1 Curriculum Vitae Andrew H. Kwok 4418 Uphor Court College Station, TX 77845 (314) 651-7598; [email protected] ORCiD; Google Scholar; Publons Academic Positions 2018 - Present Assistant Professor, Department of Teacher, Learning, and Culture, College of Education and Human Development
behalf of Dr. Andrew Kwok]. American Educational Research Association Annual Conference : Toronto, Ontario. INVITED ADDRESSES Interventions for interventionists: Supporting positive behavior in students. Presented to GEAR UP, Texas A&M University and Bryan ISD, May, 17, 2022. Classroom management: The ins & outs of managing student behavior ...
Kwok, A., Svajda-Hardy, M. , Hill-Jackson, V., & Hutchins, S. (Revise and Resubmit). Exploring a Teacher Residency as a Recruitment and Retention Strategy for High-Need Districts.
Updatedasof07/17/2023 CurriculumVitae MEGANSVAJDA-HARDY [email protected] ORCID;GoogleScholar EDUCATION 2018–2022 TexasA&MUniversity,CollegeStation,TX
Hutchins, Andrew Kwok, Marcia Montague, and Miranda Walichowski, (Co-PIs); Cassidy Caldwell (Research Specialist) $13,315,674.00[External - ] 3. 2020-2027 US Department of Education - Heart of Texas GEAR UP Partnership Grant. Linda Castillo (PI); Marcia Montague and Patricia Lynch (Co-PIs); Cheryl Grenwelge, Dan Zhang,
Lizette Ompendoguelet, Oi-Man Kwok, Robert Woodward, Valerie Hill-Jackson, and William Rae (Co-Is) [External - $6,328,505.00] 3. 2020-2025 US Department of Education, Teacher Quality Partnership (TQP) Grant. Teacher Education Residency Model (TERM): A Partnership among Local Education Agencies and Texas A&M University.
Last updated: April 5, 2024 4 Kwok, M. (2022, December).Bringing joy to literacy learning for students of color.Discussant. Annual Conference of the Literacy Research Association.
Kwok, M. N., Brooks-Yip, M., Aumen, J., Venema, S., Vincent, D., Konett, E. (2016, December). Making the conceptual and practical shift from teaching reading and writing in the content areas to disciplinary literacy.
Lizette Ompendoguelet, Oi-Man Kwok, Robert Woodward, Valerie Hill-Jackson, and William Rae (Co-Is) [External - $6,328,505.00] 3. 2020-2025 US Department of Education, Teacher Quality Partnership (TQP) Grant. Teacher Education Residency Model (TERM): A Partnership among Local Education Agencies and Texas A&M University.