安史之乱是中国唐代玄宗末年至代宗初年(755年12月16日至763年2月17日)由唐朝将领安禄山与史思明背叛唐朝后发动的战争,是同唐朝争夺统治权的内战,为唐由盛而衰的转折点。这场内战使得唐朝人口大量丧失,国力锐减。因为发起反唐叛乱的指挥官以安禄山与史思明二人为主,因此事件被冠以安史之 ...
An Lushan - Wikipedia
He subsequently had Shi defend against the Khitan counterattack, and Shi was able to repel the Khitan. In 752, he wanted to launch a major counterattack against the Khitan, requesting that the ethnically Tujue general Li Xianzhong ( 李獻忠 ) accompany him.
An Lushan rebellion - Wikipedia
In spring 761, Shi Siming began another attempt to attack Shan Prefecture, wanting to attack Chang'an. He had Shi Chaoyi serve as his forward commander, but Shi Chaoyi was repeatedly repelled by the Tang general Wei Boyu (衛伯玉). Shi Siming was angered by Shi Chaoyi's failures and considered punishing him and the generals below him.
An Lushan Rebellion 安史之亂 (www.chinaknowledge.de)
2021年4月12日 · The rebellion of An Lushan 安祿山 (703-757), in Chinese known as the "rebellion of An [Lushan] and Shi [Siming]" (An Shi zhi luan 安史之亂), was an eight-year long disturbance of the Tang empire 唐 (618-907).
An Lushan Rebellion summary - Encyclopedia Britannica
An Lushan Rebellion, Rebellion beginning in 755 in China led by An Lushan (703–757), a general of non-Chinese origin.An Lushan rose through the ranks of the Tang-dynasty army in the 740s, becoming a military governor and a favourite of the emperor, Xuanzong.In 755 he turned his troops on the eastern capital city, Luoyang, and after taking it he proclaimed himself emperor.
中英双语话史记 第88期:安史之乱_中外文化_双语阅读 - 可可英语
2015年11月13日 · The An Shi Rebellion (安史之乱)occurred in China, during the Tang Dynasty, from 756 to 763. 安史之乱于唐朝时期发生,自756年持续到763年。 It is also known as the Tianbao Rebellion (天宝之乱) , because An Lushan started it in …
安史之乱:一场改变中国历史的大动荡 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2023年5月16日 · 安史之乱是唐朝玄宗末年至代宗初年(755年至763年)发生的一场内战,由唐朝将领安禄山和史思明背叛唐朝,建立了大燕政权,与唐朝争夺统治权。这场战争是唐朝由盛转衰的转折点,造成了巨大的人口损失,国力衰落,藩…
Kuora: The An Lushan Rebellion and the fall of the Tang
2018年4月9日 · How did the Tang dynasty lose power to be succeeded by the Song dynasty in China? A story of one of the bloodiest wars in Chinese history — the An Lushan, or An-Shi, Rebellion — and the mortal blow that put the Tang down for good. Find out in this week's Kuora, written by Kaiser Kuo.
安史之乱的英文历史简介有没有? - 百度知道
The An Shi Rebellion (also known as the An Lushan Rebellion or Tianbao Rebellion) was a major uprising during the Tang Dynasty of China, from December 16, 755 to February 17, 763. The rebellion was initiated by An Lushan, a general of Sogdian ancestry, who revolted under the pretense of punishing the corrupt official Yang Guozhong.
安史之乱 - 《中国大百科全书》第三版网络版
2023年3月21日 · 安史之乱 是一个多义词,请在下列义项上选择浏览(共2个义项)