Amdro Ant Killer for Outdoor Home Perimeter. Create a barrier of protection that attracts and kills ants for up to 3 months with an easy to use shaker bottle.
Amdro® Ant Killer for Outdoor Home Perimeter
Kill outdoor ants before they make their way inside with Amdro Ant Killer for Outdoor Home Perimeter. Designed to surround your home with a band of protection, this dual-action bait attracts and kills listed common ant species. On top of that, it keeps working for up to three months.
Amdro Products
Amdro® Fire Ant Killer Yard Spray. Kills fire ants by contact; kills visible and hidden mounds and prevents new mounds from forming.
Amdro® Ant Killer Bait Stations
Kill ants* the proven way with Amdro. GUARD YOUR HOME FROM INVASION BY ANTS* all year long with Amdro Ant Killer Bait Stations. For continuing protection against ants*, replace every 3 to 6 months, or sooner if empty.
Amdro® Fire Ant Killer for Mounds
Take control of fire ants with Amdro Fire Ant Killer for Mounds. This dual action formula contains bait to attract fire ants and starts to kill ants immediately. These granules are ideal for mound treatment and are an easy & effective way to control fire ants.
Amdro Quick Kill® Ant & Spider Killer Shaker Bag
Amdro Quick Kill Ant & Spider Killer creates a bug barrier around your home. The granules come ready to spread. All you need to do is apply evenly with the easy-to-use shaker bag across your yard or home perimeter and lightly water the treated …
Ants - Amdro
Amdro Quick Kill® Outdoor Insect Killer, available in ready-to-spray and concentrate formulas, works in minutes to kill ants and other pests on contact and keeps working for up to three months.** For lawns and plants plagued with honeydew-hungry ants, this product is ideal.
Amdro® Ant Killer Bait Stakes
Use Amdro Ant Killer Bait Stakes year round for consistent control of ants.* These easy-to-use, dual action stakes work outdoors or inside to kill a variety of ant* species. That means you can kill both sweet eating and grease-eating ants* with one easy to use product.
Fire Ants - Amdro
Amdro Kills Fire Ants Yard Treatment Bait combines two powerful active ingredients. Applied with a regular lawn spreader, this granular bait kills the queen and colony, prevents new mounds from forming and continues controlling fire ants for season-long control.
Frequently Asked Questions - Amdro
Amdro® Ant Block® Home Perimeter Ant Bait kills ants at their source. For maximum ant control, use Amdro® Kills Ants™ Ant Killing Bait Stations or Stakes inside and around your home for additional protection against ants.