Consensus on Hungarian AMD 63/65 - AK Rifles
2015年10月17日 · If you have an AMD 65 and want a full length gas tube you would need a full length piston too. If you are recreating the AMD65 look with a full length kit/rifle then you can use a standard AKM barrel and just move the site block back.
How much is a FEG AMD 65 worth?? - AK Rifles
2020年7月23日 · Hi Guys, I am hoping you can help me. I am thinking about selling my FEG AMD 65 and I am trying to figure out how much it is worth. Gunwatcher.com doesn't have any current values newer than 3 years ago and back then according to the site they were selling upwards of $900-$1000. As far as I...
AMD-65 - fixed stock possible? - AK Rifles
2011年7月27日 · AMD-65 - fixed stock possible? Jump to Latest 7.2K views 9 replies 5 participants last post by lordofwar2 Aug 21, 2011
I did a step by step guide for an AMD 65 build. Free for all
2006年9月8日 · In order to adhere to BATF regulations I decided to purchase a USA piston and install it on the AMD 65. First there is a big difference between the AMD 65 and other AK 47's. The barrel length is only 12.5" which effects many other parts of the gun and legalities. The piston is …
AMD-65 stock replacement Options- - AK Rifles
2011年8月8日 · Krebs makes an AMD "block" that allows AR style tubes and stocks to be used with the AMD-65 trunion. Part 33 in their "catalog". Constantly studying spots welds, mag well dimple shapes, center support rivet heads and selector markings for the last 12 years...
are the TGI amd65 gone? | AK Rifles
2015年5月24日 · Here's an all numbers matching, excellent condition compete AMD 65 parts kit with original barrel. Price is $550.00 obro and I am located in Livermore/Nor Cal for FTF deals or I can ship it insured for $20.00. If there is something specific you'd like a picture of please let me know and I'll get it for you. AND:
AMD 65 extended muzzle brake. How should I perm attach it
2008年6月14日 · I have a question. I was thinking of getting an AMD 65 kit and using the extended muzzle brake to make the barrel the legal length. I may end up doing a registered SBR eventually. SO must I tack weld the extended muzzle brake onto the barrel or is there another less destructive way, like silver solder??? Any experience out there.
AMD 65 Wood or Plastic? - AK Rifles
2012年1月14日 · Just purchased my 2nd AMD 65 (TIG) from Centerfire for $399 delivered. It was just too good a deal to pass up. I wanted something different on this one so I found some used good shape military grips. My question is how long did the Huns put wood on the AMD 65? I have heard everything from...
AMD 65 - AK Rifles
2024年6月19日 · Wanting to know what the current valuation is on a fully built AMD 65 with original chrome lined barrel, welded extended muzzled device. Nodak spud receiver, SA2000 with TGI engraved below. Everything looks pristine. Has the wooded grips. My uncle retired and is moving. He's having a house...
AMD-65 - brake or suppressor? | AK Rifles
2007年7月14日 · Your IMHO is absolutely right. It is a brake. helps control the firing (AMD-65 is easier then an other AK, needs the help in controlling). (source: Karoly zala, the designer) Croatian soldiers told that, in the mountains it helps to hide the concrete location of the soldier, who fires. It was necessery, when the enemy could shoot back with ...