约 2 个结果

The mystery of AMANDUS - Coin Talk
2020年6月27日 · Eutropius IX, 21 : He thus became master of the Roman empire; and when the peasants in Gaul made an insurrection, giving their faction the name of Bagaudae, and having for leaders Amandus and Aelianus, he despatched Maximian Herculius, with the authority of Caesar, to suppress them. Maximian, in a few battles of little importance, subdued the ...
Comprehensive List of People on Roman Bust Coins | Coin Talk
2022年8月13日 · Amandus- Rebelled against Diocletian. Only a few coins, might be fakes. Constantia- Chlorus' daughter, married to Licinius. Only a few coins. Galla Placidia- Theodosius's daughter Edit: Also, Made Magnentius a proper emperor, he was at it for 3 years, I guess that qualifies. Added Theodosius' sons and corresponding coins to the list.