Alvaro Pascotto, Esq. :: Home
The practice of Alvaro Pascotto focuses principally on the area of business aviation, where he is recognized as an international expert whose clients include many Fortune 500 companies and well-known entertainment and business personalities.
Alvaro Pascotto Bio
Alvaro Pascotto is an acknowledged international expert in business aviation whose clients include many Fortune 500 companies and well-known entertainment and business personalities. Additionally, his practice includes private equity, wealth management and tax planning.
Alvaro Pascotto, Esq. :: Aviation Law
Mr. Pascotto’s Aviation Law practice encompasses all aspects and complexities of business aircraft transactions and the ownership and operations of aircraft, including: Structure of Ownership and Operations; Acquisitions, Outfittings and Retrofits; Financings & Leases; Sales & Dispositions; Like-Kind Exchanges; Flight Departments
Alvaro Pascotto, Esq. :: Contact
Home Contact Law Offices of Alvaro Pascotto | Aviation Law. Home; About. Bio; Bar Admissions & Memberships; Seminars & Conferences; Articles & Publications; Aviation Law; Contact; You are here: Home Contact. Contact. Contact Alvaro Pascotto. Your Name (required) Your Email (required) Subject Your Message Contact
Alvaro Pascotto, Esq. :: Bar Admissions & Memberships
Bar Admissions: State Bar of California (January 2, 1987) Italian Bar (November 11, 1976) Professional Aviation Memberships: Tax Committee of the National Business Aviation Association, Inc. (NBAA)
Alvaro Pascotto, Esq. :: Articles & Publications
Articles and Publications. NBAA Article: NBAA MEMBER RESOURCE – The Most Common California Use Tax Exemptions, March 21, 2011; NBAA Article: SELECTED TAX ISSUES IN LEASING TRANSACTIONS, September 2010
Alvaro Pascotto, Esq. :: Seminars & Conferences
October 28-29, 2012, Background and Basics: Ordinary and Necessary Use, Hobby Losses, At-Risk Rules, and Passive Losses (presented by Alvaro Pascotto, Law Offices of Alvaro Pascotto and Jed Wolcott, Wolcott & Associates, Wolcott & Associates CPA’s, P.A.); Advanced Loss Deductions: In-depth Look at Ordinary and Necessary Use, Hobby Losses, At ...
Alvaro Pascotto, Esq. :: Circular 230 Client Memo
These Web pages have been prepared by the Law Offices of Alvaro Pascotto for informational purposes only. Nothing herein is intended as legal advice.
Alvaro Pascotto, Esq. :: Acquisitions & Dispositions
Disclaimer | © 2018 Law Offices of Alvaro Pascotto. All Rights Reserved. Site: Catalyst Design Group.Catalyst Design Group.
Alvaro Pascotto, Esq. :: Attachment
Home Contact Law Offices of Alvaro Pascotto | Aviation Law. Home; About. Bio; Bar Admissions & Memberships; Seminars & Conferences; Articles & Publications; Aviation Law; Contact; The Law Offices of Alvaro Pascotto. 26 Apr 0. Posted by dan in . Sidebar "Right Sidebar" is empty. Contact (310) 457-6500; [email protected];