Alcoy, Spain - Wikipedia
Alcoy (Spanish:; Valencian: Alcoi; officially: Alcoy / Alcoi) is an industrial and university city, region and municipality located in the Valencian Community, Spain. The Serpis river crosses the municipal boundary of Alcoy.
Tourism in Alcoy-Alcoi. What to see. Tourist information - spain.info
Find information on everything to see and do on a trip to Alcoy-Alcoi. The best tour plans, what to visit, activities in Alcoy etc | spain.info
Alcoy - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Alcoy [3] (cooficialmente en valenciano: Alcoi) [4] es un municipio y una ciudad situada al sureste de España, en la provincia de Alicante, Comunidad Valenciana. Es capital de la comarca de la Hoya de Alcoy , dentro de la subcomarca de los Valles de Alcoy .
Portal web - Ajuntament d'Alcoi
Alcoi planteja a les empreses un repte per a identificar solucions innovadores que milloren la gestió de residus orgànics
Alcoi.com | Portal d'Alcoi i comarques de l'Alcoià i el Comtat
Alcoi és una ciutat valenciana que compta amb uns 60.000 habitants, sent capital de la comarca de l’Alcoià. La ciutat està enclavada en una vall rodejada de muntanyes que li atorguen una orografia pròpia, amb uns característics ponts.
THE 15 BEST Things to Do in Alcoy (2025) - Must-See Attractions
2021年7月11日 · The IVAM CADA ALCOI is a multi-functional space dedicated to the arts and contemporary culture, managed by the City Council of Alcoi under agreement with the Fundación Mediterráneo and the Valencian…
Turismo Alcoy - www.alcoyturismo.com
Presentada la 11ª edición del ciclo ?10 excursions voltant Alcoi i el seu patrimoni històric i arqueològic
Alcoi23 - El diari digital d'Alcoi
VÍDEO | Batucades, balls i disfresses: el Carnestoltes d’Alcoi triomfa sota la pluja; FOTOS I VÍDEO | Consignes, música i muixeranga: així ha sigut el 8M a Alcoi; VÍDEO | Lorena Zamorano presenta la seua candidatura per liderar el PSPV-PSOE d’Alcoi i …
Alcoy Tourist Information: Things to Do & See in Alcoi
Alcoy is a large Spanish town located inland from the coastal resorts on the Northern Costa Blanca and is also known as and referred to as Alcoi. This attractive city is situated at the foot of Serra Mariola and the Font Roja natural park.
The City of Alcoy - Alicante Spain
Being mostly an industrial town, Alcoi like it is called in valencian, is best known for its famous fiesta of the Moors and Christians. It takes place around St George’s Day at the 23rd of April. The celebrations take several days and are the most famous around the entire Costa Blanca.