Whatever happened to Alcan powders? - Cast Boolits
Apr 12, 2014 · Eventually, Alcan folded for several reasons, the final one of which was the destruction of the Bofors powder plant in Sweden - their supplier. Of their four shotgun powders (Al-120, AL-5, AL-7, and AL-8) the three faster ones have the best application to handguns.
Alcan primers - Cast Boolits
Jul 17, 2009 · Later, as mentioned, Alcan went into a marketing/distribution contract with Smith& Wesson. I have powder cans with the S&W label on them in my collection. They eventually added rifle and handgun primers to their stock, but not rifle powders. When the Bofors plant burned down and was not rebuilt, that was the end of Alcan.
Alcan primers - Cast Boolits
Sep 24, 2020 · My first buy of primers were 5000 Alcan small rifle primers used in my .222 and finished in my .223 That was in the 1970's and they were gone by 1978 when I bought 10k CCI Small rifle primers on sale at I think was Value house for $20.0 per 5000k case, along with 40 bags of lead shot at 8.00 dollars per bag.
Alcan 7 - Cast Boolits
Aug 5, 2017 · This Alcan 7 has more loading data in my old manuals than did the Alcan 5. Seemed like good stuff in magnum hand gun loads, seems to burn slower than Unique but faster than Blue Dot. I loaded up some today using some gas checked 158 grain SWCs and 9 grains of this Alcan #7 in a Blackhawk I have that has given mediocre accuracy with most things ...
Alcan #5 - Cast Boolits
Mar 18, 2011 · For one thing, Alcan 5 is a flake powder, not spherical. It does happen to have a burn rate near that of Unique and Accurate #5, but that's more coincidence than plan. I like Alcan 5 in medium handgun loads but have never used it in any rifle cartridges.
alcan-7 - Cast Boolits
Oct 1, 2016 · Alcan 7 load data--This is right from the book Alcan Reloaders Manual XI dated 1966 (The recomendations in this charge table are maximum loads and should be approached with caution. Suggest a one grain reduction for initial loading.)
#57 Primers and #157 - Cast Boolits
Feb 8, 2011 · Generally speaking, only Remington-Peters and some Alcan cases used the 57 size primer, the rest used the 209 or Winchester size. From the above it appears that the G57F was a little hotter than other standard primers, but not as hot as the Alcan 220 MaxFire.
Alcan powders - Cast Boolits
May 2, 2014 · The book 'Propellant Properties' gives some info on 4 different Alcan powders. AL-5, 7, 8, and AL-120. They are all shotgun powders, and were also used in various pistol cartridges. I haven't found any mention of AL-101. My Speer #8 Manual gives loads for AL-5 in several pistol cartridges.
Alcan Flite-Max boxes and wads - Cast Boolits
Feb 12, 2021 · I have 10 boxes of old Alcan Flite-Max boxes of wads. I have kept them all these years because of the great colors and I occasionally load a few of the wads with some AL-8 that came with them. I would love to give them to any interested members here just for the shipping. Bear in mind that they are 5"x5"x11.5" so shipping would cost a little.
Alcan AL-7 - Cast Boolits
Nov 28, 2019 · The only Alcan powder I ever used was AL-8, and it did not impress. It did not meter worth a darn, being a big square flake designed for magnum shotgun use. From the looks of things, any HS-6 load should be safe for standard/target (750-900 fps) velocity use with AL-7. It does not seem to be a "magnum" powder.