Akivasha | Conan Wiki - Fandom
Akivasha is a beautiful princess, daughter of Pharaoh Tuthamon, who reveled in purple feasts amid the black halls of ancient Luxur 10,000 years before the birth of Conan, in the age of the …
Akivasha - Wikipedia
Akivasha is a female character appearing in the fictional universe of Robert E. Howard's Conan the Barbarian as an undead, a stygian vampire queen.
Akivasha - Villains Wiki | Fandom
Akivasha is a minor antagonist in the 1935 Conan story The Hour of the Dragon by the late Robert E. Howard. She appears as the main antagonist in the 1997 film Kull the Conqueror, which is a …
Akivasha (Character) - Comic Vine
She met Conan during the events of "Hour of the Dragon" when he came to the Temple of Set searching for the Heart of Ahriman. She offered to lead him...
Akivasha (Conan foe) - marvunapp.com
AKIVASHA. Real Name: Akivasha. Identity/Class: Human (Hyborian Era) vampire; Stygian. Occupation: Predator. Group Membership: None. Affiliations: Stygia; possible connection to …
Akivasha | AoCWiki | Fandom
Princess Akivasha is a boss found in the Sanctum of the Burning Souls. Real Name: Akivasha. Identity: Human turned vampire; Stygian. Occupation: Predator. Group Membership: None. …
Akivasha: “I am the woman, who never died.” | spraguedecampfan
2024年9月13日 · Chapters 15 through 19 of Robert E. Howard’s only Conan novel, The Hour of the Dragon were published in the March 1936 issue of Weird Tales. Akivasha was introduced …
Akivasha - Vampire Encyclopedia Wiki
Akivasha is a female character appearing in the fictional universe of Robert E. Howard's Conan the Barbarian. Akivasha's name is derived from the Egyptian name (Akkaiwasha) for the …
Conan the Cimmerian #15 - The Sorrow of Akivasha (Issue)
Ten thousand years before Conan disturbed the forbidden Temple of Set, princess Akivasha -- daughter to the first great ruler of Stygia -- was transformed into a vampire and cursed to haunt...
Conan The Cimmerian #15 - The Sorrow of Akivasha RELEASED
2009年11月4日 · Ten thousand years before Conan disturbed the forbidden Temple of Set, princess Akivasha -- daughter to the first great ruler of Stygia -- was transformed into a …