The Capsules - Akira Wiki
"Physically Fit Juvenile Delinquents" Kaneda's team, commonly known by the non-canon name "The Capsules", was a teenage vigilante bōsōzoku gang that resided in Neo-Tokyo.Both …
What do the drugs do? : r/akira - Reddit
Sep 5, 2015 · The drugs sold on the streets and the ones that capsules (Kaneda’s gang) were getting at the bar are completely different then the ones from the lab. In the comic book the …
Shotaro Kaneda/anime | Akira Wiki | Fandom
Shotaro Kaneda (金田 正太郎, Kaneda Shōtarō) is the main protagonist of the Akira film. He is the leader of The Capsules. He was also a friend of Tetsuo. Kaneda stands at near average …
Shotaro Kaneda/manga | Akira Wiki | Fandom
Sep 5, 2003 · Shotaro Kaneda (金田 正太郎, Kaneda Shōtarō) is the deuteragonist and hero of the manga. He is the leader of the Capsules and was a friend of Tetsuo. Kaneda stands at …
Shotaro Kaneda | Heroes Wiki - Fandom
Shōtarō Kaneda (金田正太郎, Kaneda Shōtarō) is the main protagonist of the manga Akira and its 1988 anime film adaptation. He is the leader of a biker gang called the Capsules and the best …
Characters in AKIRA - TV Tropes
Back for the Finale: His spirit appears driving alongside Kaneda as he rides off in the final chapter of the manga.; Big Guy: The tallest and seemingly most muscular member of the Capsules, …
Akira: A Masterpiece of Animation & Worldbuilding - Japan Nakama
Mar 17, 2022 · Akira is a Japanese animated sci-fi thriller is a wonder to watch. With its visually stunning animations, world-building, & intense action. Search ... the movie follows biker teens …
[Akira] What are the capsules? : r/AskScienceFiction - Reddit
Jul 16, 2016 · [Akira] What are the capsules? They're a central feature in the movie but I've never quite understood what they were. ... In the manga the name of the gang that Kaneda and …
Capsule Gang !: What is Akira - Blogger
Aug 1, 2013 · Akira (アキラ) originally started life as a monthly Manga comic strip in Japan's Young Magazine on Dec 6th 1982. It was one of the first aimed at the teen market in Japan. …
What happened to the original pill that Kaneda took from Masaru?
Aug 4, 2020 · The pills they take in that scene are regular street drugs (that Kaneda got from the nurse assistant girl right before they leave the school) not the pill Kaneda took from Masaru.