Russia / USSR 57 mm/75 (2.24") AK-725 (ZIF-72) - NavWeaps
2016年10月30日 · Compared to the ZIF-71, this new weapon could fire bursts twice as long and had 80% less cooling time between bursts. Each belt contains 550 rounds and the first round needs to be manually chambered. The AK-725 was controlled by the ESP-72 fire control system, which was itself controlled by the MP-103 Bars radar.
AZP S-60 - Wikipedia
АЗП (AZP); literally: Automatic anti-aircraft gun S-60) is a Soviet towed, road-transportable, short- to medium-range, single-barrel anti-aircraft gun from the 1950s. The gun was extensively used in Warsaw Pact, Middle Eastern and Southeast Asian countries.
苏/俄海上“57神针” - 哔哩哔哩
ak-725全炮重12吨,俯仰角-10度~+85度,单管射速200发/分,最大射程12千米,最大射高5000米,弹丸重2.7千克,初速1000米/每秒。 采用外部水冷散热系统的AK-725型双联57毫米舰炮
苏联第一种海军全自动炮塔—AK-725高平两用炮 - 哔哩哔哩
1956年,苏联TsKB-7开始研制新一代高平两用高抛,这就是AK-725。 AK-725的设计非常特别,它是苏联海军第一种无人操作的全自动炮塔,它拥有一座无装甲保护的旋转炮塔,外壳只是6毫米厚的铝合金,为了避免水汽渗透、凝结,外壳可以全封闭,内部和部分外表覆盖了聚氨酯泡沫做的隔热材料。 最奇特的还应该是炮塔的外形,就像是把常规炮塔削了一半再安上半个球形炮塔。 该炮塔的武器源自ZIF-74 57毫米水冷高射炮,炮塔内并排安装2门该炮,这种火炮拥有4.275 …
AK-257 - Wikipedia
The AK-257 is a Soviet 57mm naval gun, originally a land ZIF-31 L/70 57mm (Type 66/76) cannon. During the early 1950s, development began of naval versions of the 57x348mmSR 70 calibre weapon which had entered service with the Soviet army in 1950 as the S-60.
蘇聯第一種海軍全自動炮塔—AK-725高平兩用炮 - 資訊咖
2024年11月20日 · ak-725是世界上第一款真正意義上的無人操作高炮,它採用全封閉式半球形炮塔,整座炮塔完全由液壓和電動系統驅動,內部無人值守。 兩門57毫米高炮並排安裝,全靠電腦控制進行旋轉、俯仰和射擊,彈夾可連續供彈達500多發,保證了持續高強度火力輸出。
SOV - AK-725 (ZIF-72) (57 mm dvojkanón)
AK-725, ZIF-72 - a 57 mm calibre fully automatic naval anti-aircraft gun, mounted in an all-metal sealed turret. The gun is based on the 57 mm S-60 antiaircraft gun. In addition to use in the USSR, the gun was exported to India. Its development was initiated by a decision of the VMF headquarters dated 30.11.1956.
AK-725 - Wikipedia
ak-725(ロシア語: АК-725 )は、ソビエト連邦が開発した艦砲 [2] 。 ZIF-31 ( ロシア語版 ) 57mm連装砲の後継として、1950年代から開発された [ 2 ] 。 概要
Russia / USSR 57 mm/81 (2.24") ZIF-71 and ZIF-75 - NavWeaps
2017年1月19日 · Two 57 mm/81 ZIF-75 Quad Mounts on unidentified Kanin class missile destroyer in 1983. U.S. Navy Photograph No. DN-ST-84-01633. This weapon was developed from the earlier ZIF-31 and the ZIF-74 single 57 mm AA mounting, which was started in 1953 and tested in 1954-55.
如何评价AK-725型双联全自动57毫米舰炮? - 知乎
如何评价AK-725型双联全自动57毫米舰炮? 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。 知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围、独特的产品机制以及结构化和易获得的优质内容,聚集了中文互联网科技、商业、影视、时尚、文化等领域最具创造力的人群,已成为综合性、全品类、在诸多领域具有关键影响力的知识分享社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,建 …
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