Although it bears a passing resemblance to the Enlisted Service Dress Uniform (albeit with more insignias and accouterments), the Honor Guard Uniform has several features that elevate it …
DRESS AND APPEARANCE - Air Force's Personnel Center
This webpage is a one-stop reference to help answer questions regarding proper wear of approved Air Force uniform items, insignias, awards and decorations, etc. It also provides the …
Air Force Honor Guard – Vanguard Industries
Air Force Honor Guard Dress Aiguillette: Officer - aluminum SKU: 3710120. $290.40
Dress Uniforms - Siegel's Uniform
We carry honor guard and dress uniforms including custom honor guard uniforms. We offer quality military trench coat products, as well as parade rifles and much more! Come to us for …
, the USAF Honor Guard establishes uniform standards for all BHGs. This manual provides detailed instructions for BHG uniform wear. The Ceremonial Uniform is only to be worn by …
Uniforms of the United States Air Force - Wikipedia
U.S. Air Force SNCO in honor guard uniform with ascot. The U.S. Air Force Drill Team, a special demonstration performance unit, as well as base honor guards, and the USAF marching unit, …
United States Air Force Honor Guard - Wikipedia
The uniform worn by BHG and Air Force Honor Guard members is the same with the following exceptions: Air Force Honor Guard members wear a white shirt, full-size anodized medals, a …
Welcome to HonorGuardUniforms.com! - Marlow White
We currently offer four styles of Honor Guard Dress Uniforms. Many of our dress uniforms are manufactured to the same level of quality as our military-specification uniforms, using the …
Force Honor Guard and Base Honor Guards worldwide. It will be used to standardize ceremonies and the manner in which they are performed from base to base. It provides detailed …
Our Honor Guard Uniform Builder makes assembling a ceremonial uniform a snap by automatically selecting the appropriate cap, coat, insignia of grade, collar devices, ceremonial …