Influenza A virus subtype H1N1 - Wikipedia
Influenza A virus subtype H1N1 (A/H1N1) is a subtype of influenza A virus (IAV). Some human-adapted strains of H1N1 are endemic in humans and are one cause of seasonal influenza (flu). [1] . Other strains of H1N1 are endemic in pigs (swine influenza) and in birds (avian influenza). [2] .
The 2009 A (H1N1) influenza virus pandemic: A review - PubMed
Jul 12, 2010 · In March and early April 2009 a new swine-origin influenza virus (S-OIV), A (H1N1), emerged in Mexico and the USA. The virus quickly spread worldwide through human-to-human transmission.
Influenzavirus A subtipo H1N1 - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
El influenza virus A subtipo H1N1, más conocido como A H1N1 humana, es una especie de influenzavirus tipo A del virus de la gripe, perteneciente a la familia de los Orthomyxoviridae. 1 .
Antigenic Patterns and Evolution of the Human Influenza A
Sep 28, 2015 · Here we systematically investigate the antigenic patterns and evolution of the human influenza A (H1N1) virus from 1918 through 2014. We first develop the sequence-based antigenic inference method...
AH1N CIT Relay and Switch | Pushbutton Switches - Digi-Key Electronics
Get fast and accurate answers from DigiKey's Technicians and Experienced Engineers on our TechForum. Average Time to Ship 1-3 Days. Please see product page, cart, and checkout for actual ship speed. AH1N CIT Relay and Switch Pushbutton Switches parts available at DigiKey.
Bell AH-1 Cobra - Wikipedia
The Bell AH-1 Cobra is a single-engined attack helicopter developed and manufactured by the American rotorcraft manufacturer Bell Helicopter. A member of the prolific Huey family, the AH-1 is also referred to as the HueyCobra or Snake.
Historical Perspective — Emergence of Influenza A (H1N1) Viruses
Jul 16, 2009 · Influenza A (H1N1) abruptly disappeared from humans in 1957 and was replaced by a new reassortant virus that combined genes from the H1N1 strain and an avian virus.
2009 H1N1 Virus Transmission and Outbreaks | NEJM
Jun 10, 2010 · Without a vaccine against the 2009 H1N1 virus, early control measures included both pharmaceutical interventions (the use of antiviral agents) and nonpharmaceutical interventions (e.g., school...
AH-1武装直升机 - 百度百科
AH-1武装直升机是美国一型专门研制的反坦克武装直升机,也是当时世界上第一种反坦克直升机,其主要任务是在白天、夜间及恶劣气候条件下提供近距离火力支援和协调火力支援。 它还可执行为突击运输机护航、指示目标、反装甲作战、反直升机作战、对付有威胁的固定翼飞机,实施重点防空和有限区域防空、侦察等任务 [2]。 AH-1武装直升机由美国 贝尔直升机公司 于20世纪60年代中期为美陆军研制,最初只是作为 美国陆军 的越战临时解决方案,于1965年9月7日首 …
AH1N Datasheet, PDF - Alldatasheet
Search Partnumber : Start with "AH1N"-Total : 1,953 ( 1/98 Page) Manufacturer: Part No. Datasheet: Description: CIT Relay & Switch: AH1NAB 159Kb / 2P: CIT SWITCH AH1NABB 159Kb / 2P: CIT SWITCH AH1NABBB12 313Kb / 5P: Illuminated Pushbutton - 19mm AH1NABBB6 313Kb / 5P: Illuminated Pushbutton - 19mm AH1NABBG12 313Kb / 5P: