Why are /t/ and /d/ sometimes affricated before /ɹ/ in English?
What's going on in treat is technically called Affrication, i.e, the initial, voiceless, aspirated /t/ and the following voiceless retroflex /r/ are joining together as an affricate, just like /tʃ/ in cheat. And why does treat sound so much like cheat? The key is the fact that initial voiceless stops in English /p t tʃ k/ are aspirated. This ...
Realisations of T - affrication - Linguistics Stack Exchange
2018年2月26日 · Geoff Lindsey does has this affrication feature in his pronunciation of /t/ – his pronunciation doesn't strike me as strange, just British. Honeybone discusses similar lenition in Liverpudlian which includes [ts] realizations. It is probably true for some range of UK dialects.
What processes of lenition in historical phonology exemplify …
2012年4月18日 · Affrication very often accompanies palatalization, for example in Japanese t,d → tɕ,dʑ/ts,dz before i/ɯ; or English t in question, nature. I understand similar processes have occured in Finnic. However, it is notable that the diachronic stop->fricative lenition does not always have an affrication stage, and can go right from stop to fricative.
A question about /t/ + fricative /r/ vs /tr/ affrication
2014年5月18日 · Technically, it is the aspiration associated with the initial /t/ that is turning into a fricative, so from a phonological point of view it might make more sense in all cases to think of this process as the affrication of the /t/ rather than the "fricativization" (or spirantization) of the /ɹ/. In practice, however, it might be difficult to ...
Is there a difference between an affricate and a plosive+fricative ...
The main difference is phonological, not phonetic. In many languages including English, /t͡ʃ/ is a separate phoneme from /t/ and /ʃ/, although the phonetic pronunciation could be identical in some dialects.
phonology - Languages showing affricate-to-plosive fortition ...
2015年8月24日 · Affrication, on the other hand, requires nothing but loosening the occlusion a bit during the second phase of the consonant. Sure, I'd assume affrication to be more common in palatals and velars than dentals due to the much larger mass of one's dorsum that needs to be controlled. Also, [t͡s] is not the same thing as /t͡s/. –
english - The possible sound change when /t/ sound is preceded …
2021年1月24日 · What you write as /tts/ is the affrication of syllable-onset /t/, pronounced as [tˢʰ] (with varying levels of affrication and aspiration). There is not usually any change in this pronunciation after fricatives (or sibilants, as all your examples are), as far as I know.
phonetics - Affrication-like sound in palatal plosive [c] - Linguistics ...
2019年11月11日 · When I compare the plosive sounds in an IPA table with recordings (like this or this), the sound of [c] stands out to me as noisier and more turbulent than the rest of the series [p, t, ʈ, k, q, ʔ]...
/t/ sound is pronounced like [ts] in British English
2020年12月1日 · Affrication may be encountered in initial, intervocalic, and final position. In the latter it is usually preglottalized, as [aʔpɸ] up , [ɑːʔtˢ] art , [ˈna˗θɪŋʔkˣ] nothing . Non-finally affrication of /p/ is rare, but examples for /t/ and, to some extent, /k/ abound, e.g. [tˢəi] tea , [kˣoʊ] call , [ˈbetˢəi] Betty (the latter ...
Is plumminess pharyngealization? Plus: Deaffrication
2018年2月11日 · For such sociolinguistic characterisations of speech (especially one as culturally-specific as "plumminess"), one has to disentangle all its many possible features.