约 299,000 个结果
  1. Careers at NYU

    NYU endeavors to make its online application system accessible to any and all users. For inquiries regarding the accessibility of the online application system or for assistance with completing the application, please call the Office of Equal Opportunity at …

  2. Academic Programs - NYU

    Admissions. Join our more than 40,000 students studying in hundreds of programs on six continents all around the globe.

  3. Overview of Graduate Aid - NYU

    Assistantships and teaching fellowships can affect your eligibility for some types of financial aid. Contact the Office of Financial Aid, as well as your department, if your financial aid package does not indicate your assistantship.

  4. The Appointment of Dr. Michael A. Lindsey as the New Dean of …

    2022年1月31日 · Admissions. Join our more than 40,000 students studying in hundreds of programs on six continents all around the globe.

  5. About NYU

    Admissions. Join our more than 40,000 students studying in hundreds of programs on six continents all around the globe.

  6. Hasia Diner, Whose New Book Debunks Myth of Holocaust Silence …

    2009年5月28日 · New York University Professor Hasia Diner, whose We Remember With Reverence and Love: American Jews and the Myth of Silence After the Holocaust, 1945-1962 (NYU Press, 2009) debunks the myth of Holocaust silence among American Jews, will discuss the book at the Museum of Jewish Heritage A Living Memorial to the Holocaust (Edmond J. Safra …

  7. Prenotification is required non-network before admission for an Inpatient Stay in a hospice facility or $400 penalty applies. If deducyour child needs dental or eye care : Children’s eye exam : $30 copay per visit, deductible does not apply. 30% coinsurance after tible Network refractive eye examinations are covered and limited to

  8. Washington Square Students - NYU

    The plan must provide outpatient benefits (including office visits for medical/surgical, mental health, substance abuse, and alcohol related illness or injury, and laboratory and radiology procedures) in the New York City area. Coverage limited to …

  9. Curricular Practical Training - NYU

    confirm that your most recent I-94 record reflects a class of admission as F-1 and the admit until date shows D/S. and upload a scanned copy of the following, if it applies: If your payroll will be processed by an outside organization, a letter of explanation from your employer specifying the name and address of the payroll company.

  10. Policy on Soliciting Gifts in Connection with Admissions - NYU

    The University will not accept gifts intended to influence the admissions process. In order to avoid even the perception that a gift could potentially influence University admissions decisions, an NYU employee may not engage in a conversation with a prospective donor about a gift to NYU if the NYU employee is aware that the prospective donor has a Family Member in the applicant …