Adam Kraft - Wikipedia
Adam Kraft was a German stone sculptor and master builder of the late Gothic period, based in Nuremberg. He is best known for his tabernacle at St. …
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Adam Kraft | Renaissance, Nuremberg, Altarpiece
Adam Kraft was a sculptor of the Nürnberg school who introduced restraint into German late Gothic sculpture. Nothing is known of Kraft’s training, but his …
Adam Kraft | sculptor, stone mason | Artists | Virtual museum of ...
Learn about Adam Kraft, one of the most important representatives of the German late Gothic period. See his works in stone, such as reliefs, balustrades, and the Frauenkirche gable.
亚当·克拉夫特 - 百度百科
亚当·克拉夫特(Kraft)(或Krafft)(Adam Kraft,1455?-1509?年),德国雕塑家,工作地点在纽伦堡。他设计的圣劳伦斯教堂礼拜堂,外形呈塔形,装饰华丽,端庄优雅,是杰出的哥特 …
Adam Kraft | Bildhauer, Steinmetz | Künstler | virtuelles …
Adam Kraft war ein bedeutender Künstler der deutschen Spätgotik, der in Nürnberg geboren und gestorben ist. Er schuf vollplastische und figürliche Darstellungen, Mikroarchitekturen, Maßwerkbrüstungen und den Giebel des …
Adam Kraft - Wikiwand
Adam Kraft was a German stone sculptor and master builder of the late Gothic period, based in Nuremberg and with a documented career there from 1490.
Adam Kraft – Bildhauer, Steinmetz, Baumeister -
Erfahren Sie mehr über Adam Kraft, einen der bedeutendsten Künstler der Nürnberger Renaissance. Er schuf Meisterwerke wie das Sakramentshaus in der Lorenzkirche, das …
Kraft, Adam |
Adam Kraft (both: ä´däm kräft), c.1455–1509, German sculptor of Nuremberg. He moved from an ornamental late Gothic style toward clarity, symmetry, and a powerful use of rounded, …
Self-portrait of Adam Kraft | Work of art | Virtual …
Self-portrait of Adam Kraft. 1493 1496. Walking platform with fully three-dimensional carrier figure
Adam Kraft’s Moving Sandstones - MDPI
2023年1月6日 · Adam Kraft, Albrecht Dürer’s contemporary in Nuremberg, worked in the material of sandstone to provide a comparable experience in carved relief about the Passion of Christ. Both artists began their work in …