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    Acute esophageal necrosis - Wikipedia

    • Acute esophageal necrosis (AEN), black esophagus, or Gurvits syndrome is a rare esophageal disorder. AEN defines itself with dark pigmentation of the esophagus, found during an upper gastrointestinal endoscopy. Pigmentation is usually black friable mucosa. The disorder is extremely rare, as only 89 patients over a span of 40 years have received this diagnosis. … 展开

    Signs and symptoms

    AEN has never been recorded as a one symptom disorder, but instead present by multiple symptoms. The … 展开

    Risk factors

    Having cancer (current or previous) is currently one of the most prevalent out of all conditions among patients. High blood pressure, Chronic lung conditions, Alcohol use disorder, excessive alcohol use combined with ot… 展开


    Acute esophageal necrosis can only be diagnosed by an upper gastrointestinal endoscopy. It is usually preceded by haemodynamic stress, which can have a variety of etiologies. 展开