Acquisition Program Baseline (APB) - AcqNotes
2022年9月22日 · The purpose of the Acquisition Program Baseline is to allow the Program Manager (PM) to track program goals against a formal baseline. This tracking will alert the PM to any potential problems that might arise and to perform corrective actions to keep a …
Acquisition Program Baselines | www.dau.edu
The Acquisition Program Baselines table provides acquisition program baseline policy addressing Original Baselines, Current Baselines, Baseline Deviations, and Subprograms. The first APB is approved by the MDA prior to a program entering Engineering and Manufacturing Development, or at program initiation, whichever occurs later.
The Acquisition Program Baseline (APB) formally documents the program’s critical cost, schedule, and performance parameters, expressed in measurable, quantitative terms that must be met in order to accomplish the program’s goals.
Acquisition Program Baseline | www.dau.edu
An agreement between the Program Manager (PM) and the Milestone Decision Authority (MDA) that documents the program cost, schedule, and performance baselines, and is the fundamental binding agreement between the Milestone Decision Authority (MDA), the Component Acquisition Executive if applicable, the Program Executive Officer, and the PM.
According to the Defense Acquisition Guidebook (2005), an Acquisition Program Baseline (APB) satisfies this requirement. The APB describes the program goals through a list of objectives and thresholds for the cost, schedule and technical performance parameters.
This revision includes significant updates to the Acquisition Strategy, Acquisition Program Baseline (APB), and Item Unique Identification (IUID) sections to reflect current processes. The revision also adds new sections on Financial Improvement and Audit Remediation (FIAR)
Acquisition Program Baseline - Wikipedia
Acquisition Program Baseline (APB) is a term used by the United States Department of Defense to refer to a program threshold and objective values for the minimum number of cost, schedule, and performance attributes that describe the program over its life cycle.
Key Performance Parameters (KPPs) | www.dau.edu
KPPs are contained in the Capability Development Document (CDD) and the updated CDD and are included verbatim in the Acquisition Program Baseline (APB). KPPs are expressed in term of parameters which reflect Measures of Performance (MOPs) using a threshold/objective format.
All major weapon system programs establish an acquisition program baseline (APB) early in the acquisition cycle which sets forth cost, schedule, and performance targets for the program.
Program Management | Adaptive Acquisition Framework
The Acquisition Program Baseline (APB) may not change, but the details to reach that baseline will likely need to be adjusted as the program progresses. Leading that effort with a realistic battle rhythm that allows for adjustments gives the team confidence to meet program execution challenges and grow in skill and ability.