Sign in using Microsoft Authenticator - Microsoft Support
Microsoft Authenticator helps you sign in to your accounts if you've forgotten your password, use two-step verification or multi-factor authentication, or have gone passwordless on your account.
Aanmelden met Microsoft Authenticator
Met Microsoft Authenticator kunt u zich aanmelden bij uw accounts als u uw wachtwoord bent vergeten, verificatie in twee stappen of meervoudige verificatie hebt gebruikt of als u geen wachtwoord meer hebt voor uw account.
About Microsoft Authenticator - Microsoft Support
Microsoft Authenticator is a free app that helps you sign in to all your accounts without using a password - just use a fingerprint, face recognition, or a PIN. You can use Authenticator to sign in to your Microsoft personal, work, school or other accounts.
Entrar usando o Microsoft Authenticator - Suporte da Microsoft
O Microsoft Authenticator ajuda você a entrar em suas contas se você esqueceu sua senha, usar verificação em duas etapas ou autenticação multifator ou ficou sem senha em sua conta.
How to add your accounts to Microsoft Authenticator
If you have non-Microsoft accounts, such as for Amazon, Facebook, or Google, you can add them to Authenticator for two-step verification, or if your site or service supports adding an account using a QR code, you can set up Authenticator as a way to sign in.
Iniciar sesión con Microsoft Authenticator
Abre Authenticator y selecciona > Agregar cuenta profesional o educativa > Iniciar sesión. Selecciona Iniciar sesión desde otro dispositivo. En la pantalla remota, abre la página Iniciar sesión en tu cuenta e introduce el código que ves en Authenticator.
Anmelden mit Microsoft Authenticator - Microsoft-Support
Microsoft Authenticator hilft Ihnen, sich bei Ihren Konten anzumelden, wenn Sie Ihr Kennwort vergessen haben, die zweistufige Überprüfung oder die mehrstufige Authentifizierung verwenden oder ihr Konto kennwortlos geworden sind.
Set up an authenticator app as a two-step verification method
You can set up an authenticator app to send a notification to your mobile device or to send you a verification code as your security verification method. You aren't required to use the Microsoft Authenticator app, and you can select a different app during the set up process. However, this article uses the Microsoft Authenticator app.
Se connecter à l’aide de Microsoft Authenticator
Microsoft Authenticator vous aide à vous connecter à vos comptes si vous avez oublié votre mot de passe, si vous avez utilisé la vérification en deux étapes ou l’authentification multifacteur, ou si vous êtes passé sans mot de passe sur votre compte.
Accedere con Microsoft Authenticator - Supporto tecnico Microsoft
Microsoft Authenticator ti consente di accedere ai tuoi account se hai dimenticato la password, usi la verifica in due passaggi o l'autenticazione a più fattori o sei andato senza password nel tuo account.