Accessibility Design | Created Just For You
Having specialized in accessible design for more than 30 years, the Accessibility Design team are experts in home transformation. Using tailored services, a vast network, and flexible, universal …
About Us | Accessibility Design
Accessibility Design is a design, consultation, project coordination, and product recommendation company that specializes in home access for individuals of all ages and abilities.
County Waivered Services - Accessibility Design
Accessibility Design has been involved with county home modification projects for over 30 years. We know the intricate details of the waivered services requirements, design parameters, and …
Four Generation Home | Accessibility Design
Our specialized knowledge of home access, design, construction (architectural and interior), assistive products, and project coordination provides seniors and their family with necessary …
Contact Us | Accessibility Design
Accessibility Design, Inc. 1001 Kingwood Street, Suite 217 Brainerd, MN 56401. Email. [email protected]. Phone. 952-925-0301
Accessibility Design Blog
President and founder of Accessibility Design, Jane Hampton, contributed to the Aging in Place article that appeared in Midwest Homes magazine. Read more Accessible Cabin Design for a …
Frequently Asked Questions | Accessibility Design
Do you or your loved one need in-home access solutions but you aren’t sure where to start? Accessibility Design has information and services to help guide you. Enhancing lives through …
The Pink Lady Project - Accessibility Design
The goal of the Pink Lady remodel was to create a bathroom that seamlessly integrated features to promote access, safety, dignity, ease of maintenance, and beauty. The family wanted to …
Projects | Accessibility Design
Accessibility Design Projects. Enhancing lifestyles and maximizing independence. We've been helping people stay in their homes since 1992. Every client is unique, and every project …
Worker’s Compensation Claim Request | Accessibility Design
Loved ones with workers compensation claims may need simple, short-term accessibility solutions for the home. Accessibility Design can help.