  1. 死亡蛇属
  2. Copilot 答案
    界:动物界 Animalia
    门:脊索动物门 Chordata
    纲:爬行纲 Reptilia
    目:有鳞目 Squamata

    French naturalist François Marie Daudin established the genus Acanthophis in 1803, with the common death adder (A. cerastinus) as its only species.
    Although the death adders resemble vipers of the family … 展开


    Death adders are very viper-like in appearance, having a short, robust body, triangular shaped heads, small subocular scales, many small scales on the top of the head, and elevated supraocular scales. Dorsal scales m… 展开

    Origin of name

    Early settlers of Australia called them "deaf adders". How "deaf" became "death" is not recorded.
    Unlike other snakes that tend to flee from human disturbance, the death adder is inclined to hold it… 展开


    Unlike most snakes, death adders do not actively hunt, but rather lie in ambush and draw their prey to them. When hungry, death adders bury themselves among the substrate. This may be leaf litter, soil or sand, dependin… 展开

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