Academic Performance - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
2010年6月7日 · Academic performance and educational attainment outcomes Definitions and datasets. Academic performance has been defined as grade point average, standardized test …
Academic Performance - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
4 Media multitasking and academic performance. In most studies on the relationship between media multitasking and academic performance, academic performance refers to academic …
Determinants of poor academic performance among …
2023年1月1日 · Academic performance can be defined as the extent to which an institution, a teacher, or a student achieves long- or short-term educational goals and the academic …
The effects of academic emotions on learning outcomes: A three …
Emotion effects on students’ achievement may depend on the interplay between motivational engagement and learning strategy use. Positive emotional experiences play a significant role …
The relationship between procrastination and academic …
2015年8月1日 · Other studies have failed to detect an association between procrastination and academic performance (e.g. Seo, 2011, Solomon and Rothblum, 1984) or even reported that …
Emotional intelligence and academic performance: A systematic …
2023年9月1日 · The study dealing with several countries reached similar conclusions. The results are clearly different if academic performance is measured globally or taking into consideration …
The influence of sports participation on academic performance …
2017年8月1日 · While some researchers have found that student engagement in extracurricular activities (such as sport) improves their academic performance (e.g., Jayanthi et al., 2014, …
The effects of smartphone addiction on learning: A meta-analysis
2021年8月1日 · Junco and Cotton (2011, 2012) investigated the relationship between multitasking on phones and student academic performance among college students to account for the …
Studying the impact of critical thinking on the academic …
2019年3月1日 · The academic performance variable, on the other hand, was measured by the average grades obtained in the courses of the corresponding academic area. It should be …
Doctoral students’ academic performance: The mediating role of …
2024年6月30日 · The foundation of this research rests upon the self-determination theory. According to Coromina et al. (2020), the academic performance of doctoral …