  1. What are the pros and cons of 5G? - TechTarget

    • 5G's transport security algorithms are more comprehensive than those supported by the 4G standard, but enterprises may still encounter other cybersecurity issues. Although applications transporte… 展开


    To fully reap 5G's benefits, enterprises have to upgrade and replace network components with those designed with processors engineered to support the standard's highe… 展开

    Uneven Coverage

    Carriers have accelerated their deployment of 5G, in part by acquiring spectrum t… 展开

    Line of Sight/Penetration Issues

    Common objects can easily block the high-frequency signals of mmWave, so ensuring consistent coverage throughout office and factory settings can be an issue. As a result, enterprise… 展开

    Hype Factor

    Claims from carriers and vendors -- among them how quickly users can download a movie on their mobile devices -- can overwhelm enterprises as they assess 5G's effects. Compani… 展开
