Optic Disc Drusen and NA-AION - American Academy of …
2020年4月1日 · Rueløkke et al. compared the prevalence of known risk factors for nonarteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy (NA-AION) in patients with the condition and in a subset of those with optic disc drusen (ODD-AION). They found that ODD may be a risk factor in the development of AION.
Corticosteroids may improve vision in NA-AION
2011年9月2日 · The author, Sohan Singh Hayreh, MD, PhD, DSc, FRCS, FRCOphth (Hon), says research supports use of systemic high-dose corticosteroids to treat patients during the acute phase of NA-AION and that there is no evidence that …
Ophthalmology Journal
Digital issues of Ophthalmology and 14 other peer-reviewed journals are a free Academy member benefit accessible through the Academy’s Ophthalmic News and Education (ONE ®) Network …
Retinoscopy Simulator - American Academy of Ophthalmology
2020年4月22日 · How to Use the Retinoscopy Simulator. The interactive Retinoscopy Simulator is designed for students to learn and practice the principles of retinoscopy.
Journals - American Academy of Ophthalmology
Feb 17, 2025 Patients With Xanthelasma Palpebrarum May Not Be at Greater Risk for Dyslipidemia This retrospective, single-center, case-control study evaluated the potential correlation of xanthelasma palpebrarum with the development of dyslipidemia and other cardiovascular disorders. Ophthalmology, February 2025
Learn More: Retinal Disease - American Academy of Ophthalmology
Ang mga daluyan ng dugo ng retina na napinsala ng diyabetes ay naglalabas ng likido sa retina, na nagreresulta sa pamamaga ng macula, o macular edema. Ang advanced na yugto ay tinatawag na proliferative diabetic retinopathy.
Acetazolamide: Considerations for Systemic Administration
2015年3月1日 · Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, including acetazolamide, impair resorption of HCO 3 – from the kidney’s proximal tubule, which osmotically leads to loss of Na + and water along with bicarbonate. There is some distal compensation of Na + loss, so Na + is resorbed from tubular fluid with Cl –.
Academia Americana de Oftalmologia (AAO) está à disposição para auxiliar seus membros na resolução de dilemas éticos que possam surgir durante a prática oftalmológica. As diretrizes dos Padrões de Práticas Preferenciais® não são padrões médicos para serem seguidos em todas as situações específicas. A Academia se isenta
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paciente. A Academia Americana de Oftalmologia (AAO) está à disposição para auxiliar seus membros na resolução de dilemas éticos que possam surgir durante a prática oftalmológica. As diretrizes dos Padrões de Práticas Preferenciais ® não são padrões médicos para serem seguidos em todas as situações específicas.