ASTM D698 vs D1557 - Soil testing engineering - Eng-Tips
2002年11月17日 · Based on data given in the manual, I developed an equation relating the Modified Proctor maximum density to the Standard Proctor value. The D1557 density is about 97.5 percent of the D698 value + 10.75 pounds. In other words, if a soil has a D698 dry density of 100 pounds, the D1557 value would be about 0.975(100) + 10.75 = 108 pcf.
ASTM D-698 or D-1556 Proctor Method 2 - Eng-Tips
2004年1月14日 · As for the selection of D698 or D1556 - this many times is a matter of choice. Typically for granular fills I would use, 97% MDD D1556 = 100% MDD D698. I will typically specify D698 for areal fills but D1556 for structural fills (say to support a footing). Others, such as Focht3 might say differently due to norms in his area of work.
When to use ASTM D4253 & D4254 - Eng-Tips
2011年1月15日 · When and why would one use ASTM D4253 or D4254 for determining density? The specification I’m looking at lists these along with the ASTM D698 and I’m unfamiliar with 4253&4254. The required percent compaction is significantly reduced when testing based on 4253&4254 (i.e. 95 down to 70% for Type A material and 90 to 50% on Type B). Thank you.
Proctor Testing Methods - Soil testing engineering | Eng-Tips
2010年10月8日 · ASTM is generally specified for all else. It has nothing to do with material size or source...either would apply for those variables. As for your example, AASHTO T99 has a similar ASTM designation. It is ASTM D698 (commonly called the "standard Proctor"). AASHTO T180 more closely corresponds to ASTM D1557 (commonly called the "modified Proctor").
Is it possible to compact soil to 100% as per ASTM D698? 1 - Eng …
2021年5月12日 · You see 100% of D698 or 1557 typically for sensitive pavement structures, like an airport runway, or in areas where a structure will rely on passive earth pressures to resist lateral loads. Upvote 0 Downvote
ASTM D1557-58t ? - Soil testing engineering | Eng-Tips
2013年7月18日 · When the modified proctor came out in 1958 did it require 3 layers or 5 layers when pounding soil into the mold. I know that it is currently 5 layers and has been that way at least since 1970 but I do not have a copy of the original method. I also know that the standard proctor, ASTM D698 is 3...
Modified Proctor compaction test - Soil mechanics engineering
2016年3月13日 · BigH is correct. Get a copy of ASTM D698 (Standard Proctor) and ASTM D1557 (Modified Proctor) and read them. The Proctor method, commonly used, was developed by R.R. Proctor in 1933. The two values in each example you gave are the following: 12% @ 100 pcf .....
AASHTO T99 - Soil testing engineering - Eng-Tips
2006年8月11日 · I have aquestion that we correct max dry density vs. moisture content curve for +4 material in ASTM D698-what is in AASHTO T-99? Do we also correct the curve in AASHTO T99 or not. I have seen a curve without correction even though the material had coarser fraction.
Reclaimed Asphalt Compaction - Soil testing engineering - Eng-Tips
2003年1月7日 · Yes, D698 can be used; however, for base material I would use a higher compaction standard such as D1557, the modified Proctor. Also, determining the actual moisture content of milled asphalt is a bit tricky.
Geotechnical engineering general discussion - Eng-Tips
2004年6月10日 · Best to have a look though ASTM D698. But overall, if the granular was compacted and the density was not impacted by seasonal changes then loss of moisture would not necessaryly decrease dry density value it can increase it. I am not sure what you mean by 88% to 96% depending on method used (D698 or D1557) is this what you mean?