Colorado AR-15 Shooters Club Discussion Forums
We are dedicated to information and ideas pertaining to the AR-15 platform, as well as other firearms and related topics. Our members are from diverse backgrounds; this improves discussions by providing unique exchanges. While Colorado based, we have members from around the nation and internationally.
So we all know what to use for Zombies... - Page 3 - ar-15.co
2009年3月15日 · Colorado AR-15 Shooters Club Discussion Forums. Welcome to the Colorado AR-15 Shooters Club Discussion Forums.
Stars earn Stripes TV show - Page 2 - ar-15.co
2012年8月15日 · Not a bad show, little too much on the "Oh military guys are so awesome, I love them soo much". What struck me most was when Eve Torres got assigned to Grady Powell, the look on his face was "Hell yeah, I am totally going to tap that!".
First 1911? - Page 3 - ar-15.co
2011年7月18日 · Okay I'm thinking of getting a 1911...I know I should probably own 2 or 3 cause that's american. Anyhow, I'm leaning towards a Springfeild Champion 4" just cause I've heard good things, I really know nothing when it comes to the 1911!
Business Card inside my car door - damages/repairs owed? RANT
2017年1月25日 · So I approached my car tonight in the RTD parking garage. It had a business card mostly inside the drivers door window weather seal.