AR 9 buffer weight - AR15.COM
2020年7月14日 · From Lots of 9mm AR information The Law Tactical folding mechanism - 9mm bolts are patterned after the 5.56mm bolt carrier, but they need to weigh significantly more to allow for safe operation of the simple blowback system.
Max effective range 9mm AR? - AR15.COM
2019年4月22日 · I did the same thing, 6 second mount on a G-17 with an AR stock adaptor and brace. You aren’t going to be much of a sniper with a 9mm anything, just pick a nice compromise of being able to get head shots at CQB distances but still minute of man at 120-150 yard. Try for a 75 yard POA/POI.
AR-9 what barrel length is most effective in pistol? - AR15.COM
2020年12月28日 · 9mm in the AR platform made more sense 15 years ago, then today. Remember, AAC took .300 Whisper and developed into into .300blk as a replacement for the 9mm MP5SD while using the AR platform. I'm in the market for a 7.5" .300blk barrel myself...as I have 8.3", 8.5" and 9" already (I use 110 Vmax for HD).
What scope it on top of your 9mm AR? - AR15.COM
2016年12月30日 · Quoted: I use a 2-7x32 bushnell ar scope on a 16" sabre defence upper. The gun is used for dynamic rifle matches with a maximum target distance of 100m (depending on the range) and the majority of the targets anywhere from point blank to 70m.
Mimic speed 9 - AR15.COM
AR-15 AK-47 Handgun Precision Rifles Armory Training Competitive Shooting General Outdoors Archery Hometown Industry About AR15.COM AR15.COM is the world's largest firearm community and is a gathering place for firearm enthusiasts of all types.
Final version of this AR-9 build - AR15.COM
2024年10月31日 · AR-15 AK-47 Handgun Precision Rifles Armory Training Competitive Shooting General Outdoors Archery Hometown Industry About AR15.COM AR15.COM is the world's largest firearm community and is a gathering place for firearm enthusiasts of all types.
AR-9 versus MP5 Clone - AR15.COM
2018年7月8日 · Quoted: I agree, shot a friend's mp5 clone side by side with my AR9 and the MP5 has less recoil. Also shot the full auto MP5 and Colt 9mm SMG side by side in Las Vegas and the MP5 was more controlable.
AR-9 vs CZ scorpion what is better? - AR15.COM
2021年8月14日 · Then I got a Scorpion Evo 3. Scorpion is cool and fun to shoot as well. I think it just depends on what you want. They are both fun and both have been reliable. Both have great aftermarket support as well. Evo is lighter, has the cool kid factor, etc. AR-9 is cheaper to get. I have one daughter who prefers AR-9 and likes to shoot that the most.
AR9 (9mm) - Buffer and Buffer Spring Build Questions? - AR15.COM
2022年7月5日 · The idea that 9mm needs a grossly overpowered .308 spring is a myth that's infiltrated nearly every corner of the 9mm AR industry, but it seems no one ever bothered to investigate or verify. Reminds me of the gunstore myth that .45 ACP will knock a man down no matter where you hit them. The case against .308 recoil springs in a 9mm AR _____
Looking to build an AR-9 - Best barrel length? - AR15.COM
2018年3月10日 · [#9] for the price those are solid options. only thing that i notice is the bcg that is included states it works with glock but nothing about colt mags. now im not sure if that matters or not. also not the lower you linked is built as a rifle not a pistol. that can get you in trouble with having that short of a barrel without having the atf ...