Consensus on Hungarian AMD 63/65 - AK Rifles
Oct 17, 2015 · I am seeing a lot of AMD 63/65 models available recently. Some for $499 with an FEG receiver (which seems to be desireable). Hungarian stuff is also generally regarded as high quality, I havent seen a lot of discussion on the AMD 63/65 models. Hungarian AMD63 7.62x39 Rifle - $499.99 + Free Shipping | Slickguns
AMD-65 - fixed stock possible? - AK Rifles
Jul 27, 2011 · AMD-65 - fixed stock possible? Jump to Latest 7.2K views 9 replies 5 participants last post by lordofwar2 Aug 21, 2011
AMD-65 stock replacement Options- - AK Rifles
Aug 8, 2011 · Krebs makes an AMD "block" that allows AR style tubes and stocks to be used with the AMD-65 trunion. Part 33 in their "catalog". Constantly studying spots welds, mag well dimple shapes, center support rivet heads and selector markings for the last 12 years...
AMD 65 Wood or Plastic? - AK Rifles
Jan 13, 2012 · Just purchased my 2nd AMD 65 (TIG) from Centerfire for $399 delivered. It was just too good a deal to pass up. I wanted something different on this one so I found some used good shape military grips. My question is how long did the Huns put wood on the AMD 65? I have heard everything from...
AMD-65 - AK Rifles
Jul 9, 2010 · The AMD-65 is currently on special for $399 with free shipping from Centerfire. Has anyone picked up one of these yet? Thoughts? I also have some questions on 922 compliance. As I understand it, this rifle has only 15 compliance parts due to the muzzle brake being welded onto a fixed barrel extension. Therefore it needs 5 US parts to be compliant.
AMD-65 - brake or suppressor? | AK Rifles
Jul 14, 2007 · Your IMHO is absolutely right. It is a brake. helps control the firing (AMD-65 is easier then an other AK, needs the help in controlling). (source: Karoly zala, the designer) Croatian soldiers told that, in the mountains it helps to hide the concrete location of the soldier, who fires. It was necessery, when the enemy could shoot back with ...
AMD-65 build, What receiver is best? | AK Rifles
Dec 24, 2024 · Hey all, I have an AMD-65 parts kit that I am having built by Two Rivers and have a slight dilemma. I have a Nodak Spud receiver for the AMD 65 on hand but I low key hate the selector markings being a giant S and F....
AMD-65 SBR? - AK Rifles
Aug 23, 2010 · Ive had an AMD-65 for quite some time now and was thinking about SBR'ing it. I have about 3 or 4 ahead of it in line for Form 1's but was wondering if you guys thought it was worth the $200 for the stamp on a $400 gun while only making the gun 2" shorter and also falling under restrictions of...
Hungarian AMD-65 SA-2000M - AK Rifles
Jun 30, 2012 · “These are Hungarian SA2000M AMD-65 pattern rifles, with sidefolding wire stock. 16.75" barrel with permanently attached muzzlebrake. Black finish, original FEG Hungarian made receivers. Has front and rear polymer pistol grips.
AMD-65 date code - AK Rifles
Aug 18, 2008 · AMD 65 /3 (Plastic grips- dark purple colored) AMD 65 /5 (Plastic grips- greenish gray) AMD 65 /7 (Wood grips) end of batch? I always believed that they were different model numbers because of slight differences in some of the parts but perhaps it is as was said. That wooden grips were used to finish out some of the batches of guns.