Amplified fragment length polymorphism - Wikipedia
Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP-PCR or AFLP) is a PCR-based tool used in genetics research, DNA fingerprinting, and in the practice of genetic engineering.
Acute fatty liver of pregnancy - UpToDate
2024年9月25日 · Acute fatty liver of pregnancy (AFLP) is an obstetric emergency characterized by maternal liver dysfunction and/or failure that can lead to maternal and fetal complications, including death. Prompt delivery and supportive maternal care are important for achieving a full recovery for the mother.
Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP)
2017年11月8日 · The AFLP technique is based on the selective PCR amplification of restriction fragments from a total digest of genomic DNA. How It Works. After final amplification, selectively amplified fragments are separated by gel electrophoresis and visualized autoradiographically.
Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) - an invaluable ...
Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) is a PCR-based technique that uses selective amplification of a subset of digested DNA fragments to generate and compare unique fingerprints for genomes of interest.
AFLP Marker - Principle, Steps, Applications, Advantages ...
AFLP is a highly sensitive method for detecting polymorphism in DNA. AFLP is a dominant type of molecular marker, it involves restriction followed by PCR amplification of genomic DNA. Primers and adapters are used for pre-selective and selective PCR amplifications.
Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) Analysis ...
Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism is a nucleic acid finger printing method to find out genetic variation that exists between closely related genes. This method was designed by Zabeau and Vos (1993) and Vos et al. (1995).
Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism - an overview ...
AFLP is a versatile technique for genome-wide screening of genetic diversity and can be applied to almost any organism. The technique relies on detecting genetic polymorphisms through differential endonuclease restriction digestion of genomic DNA.