Army Doctrine Publication (ADP) 5-0, The Operations Process, constitutes the Army’s view on planning, preparing, executing, and assessing operations. (See figure 1 on page iv.) It accounts for the complex, ever-changing, and uncertain nature of operations and recognizes that a military operation is foremost a human undertaking.
ADRP 5-0, The Operations Process (2012)
Army Doctrine Publication (ADP) 5-0, The Operations Process (July 2019) provides doctrine on the operations process. It describes fundamentals for effective planning, preparing, executing, and assessing operations.
Army Doctrine Publication (ADP) 5-0, The Operations Process, constitutes the Army’s view on planning, preparing, executing, and assessing operations. (See figure 1 on page iv.) It accounts for the complex, ever-changing, and uncertain nature of operations and recognizes that a military operation is foremost a human undertaking.
美陆军更新2019年版条令出版物! - 知乎专栏
《adp 4-0:维持》阐述了陆军的主要维持原则,陆军部队的耐力主要取决于他们的维持能力,对于保留和利用这一举措至关重要。 它构成了陆军对如何支持陆地和地区迅速和持续作战的看法为制定其中详述的其他原则、战术、技术和程序。
(ADP) 5-0, the Operations Process, Constitutes the Army’S View on ...
For a detailed explanation of the operations process, readers should refer to Army Doctrine Reference Publication (ADRP) 5-0, The Operations Process. The principal audience for ADP 5-0 includes Army commanders, leaders, and unit staffs …
Army Doctrine Publication 5-0 -The Operations Process - Army Pubs
2023年3月25日 · ADP 5-0 provides the Army with a framework for organizing and putting command and control into action while simultaneously shaping the security environment worldwide. The publication includes several useful tips, tricks, and techniques for effectively planning and executing large-scale military operations while maintaining the highest level of ...
ADP 5-0 Operations Audio - United States Army
This is the download page for the Army Doctrine Audiobook of Army Doctrine Publication (ADP) 5-0, The Operations Process. ADP 5-0 provides doctrine on the operations process. The Army’s...
敬请批评指正——美军陆军条令参考出版物ADRP 5-0作战流程学 …
作战流程的原理可以在adp5 -0和adrp 5-0中找到。 ATTP5-0.1指挥官及参谋人员指南载有有关计划、准备、执行和评估作战行动的具体战术和程序。 “特别声明:以上作品内容(包括在内的视频、图片或音频)为凤凰网旗下自媒体平台“大风号”用户上传并发布,本平台仅 ...