A plant NLR receptor employs ABA central regulator PP2C-SnRK2 …
2024年4月13日 · Here, we report that a plant NLR Sw-5b mimics the behavior of the ABA receptor and directly employs the ABA central regulator PP2C-SnRK2 complex to activate an ABA-dependent defence against...
Type 2C protein phosphatases directly regulate abscisic acid ... - PNAS
2009年10月13日 · Abscisic acid (ABA) signaling is important for stress responses and developmental processes in plants. A subgroup of protein phosphatase 2C (group A PP2C) or SNF1-related protein kinase 2 (subclass III SnRK2) have been known as major negative or positive regulators of ABA signaling, respectively.
The PP2C-SnRK2 complex: The central regulator of an abscisic …
When the soluble ABA receptor recognizes the ABA molecule, it binds PP2C and inhibits its phosphatase activity. Then SnRK2 is activated and phosphorylates its targets, and the ABA signal is consequently turned on.
ABA inducible rice protein phosphatase 2C confers ABA ... - PubMed
2015年4月17日 · We have identified a group A PP2C from rice (OsPP108), which is highly inducible under ABA, salt and drought stresses and localized predominantly in the nucleus.
Initiation and amplification of SnRK2 activation in abscisic acid ...
2021年4月28日 · In the presence of ABA, ABA receptor PYR/PYL/RCARs (PYL) complex binds to and inhibits PP2C and SnRK2 is released from PP2C-mediated inhibition. SnRK2 can then be quickly activated by RAFs.
Transcriptional Regulation of Protein Phosphatase 2C Genes to …
The induction of PP2C gene expression may be an ABA desensitization mechanism modulating ABA signaling and maintaining plant homeostasis. Therefore, ABA upregulates genes encoding both positive and negative effectors of its signaling network.
Plant Protein Phosphatase 2C: Critical Negative Regulator of ABA …
2020年9月27日 · 6.2.6 Clade A PP2Cs and ABA Signaling. There are nine PP2C members in clade A; most of them have been characterized as modulators of ABA signaling. The first identified ABA-responsive PP2C was ABA Insensitive 1 (ABI1) .
Molecular Mimicry Regulates ABA Signaling by SnRK2 Kinases and PP2C …
2011年11月24日 · In the presence of ABA, ABA-receptor complex binds to PP2C and inhibits PP2C’s catalytic activity by inserting the gate loop into the PP2C active cleft. PYL-mediated inhibition of PP2C allows activation of the kinase by activation loop autophosphorylation.
Inhibition of Type 2C Protein Phosphatases by ABA Receptors in …
Alternate interaction of a type 2C protein phosphatase (PP2C) with either an ABA receptor or a SNF1-related protein kinase 2 (SnRK2) is at the core of regulation of the ABA signaling pathway. Binding of an ABA receptor to a PP2C inhibits the enzymatic activity of the PP2C.
Catalytic mechanism and kinase interactions of ABA-signaling PP2C ...
2012年5月1日 · Based on biochemical data and our previously determined crystal structures of ABI2 and the SnRK2.6–HAB1 complex, we present the catalytic mechanism of PP2C and provide new insight into PP2C–SnRK2 interactions and possible roles of …