What Is a Soul? | Bible Questions - JW.ORG
(Genesis 2:7, King James Version) Adam was not given a soul —he became a living soul, or person. The Bible says that the soul can work, crave food, eat, obey laws, and touch a dead …
What is a Soul? What is the Spirit? —Meaning of Bible Terms
A further study of God’s Word will show you that nowhere in the entire Bible are the terms “immortal” or “everlasting” linked with the word “soul.” Instead, the Scriptures state that a soul …
The Soul - JW.ORG
Sometimes the term is even used to designate animals. Furthermore, the Bible describes the soul as needing food. (Deuteronomy 12:20, footnote) If a soul were an entity separate from the …
What Happens to the Soul at Death? - JW.ORG
And Jesus used the phrase “to kill a soul,” which The Bible in Basic English renders “to put to death.” ( Mark 3:4 ) So the death of the soul simply means the death of the person. “Going …
What Happens After Death? - JW.ORG
2015年8月1日 · A widow’s son The prophet Elijah resurrected the young son of a widow who lived in Zarephath, north of Israel. —1 Kings 17:17-24.
Who Goes to Heaven? | Bible Questions - JW.ORG
Misconception: All good people go to heaven. Fact: God promises everlasting life on earth for most good people. . —Psalm 37:11, 29, 3
Do Animals Go to Heaven? Is There a Dog Heaven or a Pet …
(Numbers 31:28) When the first man, Adam, was created, he was not given a soul but “became a living soul.” (Genesis 2:7, footnote) A soul is composed of two things: the “dust from the …
What Does the Bible Say About Halloween and Its Origins? - JW.ORG
Halloween pumpkins, or jack-o’-lanterns: In medieval Britain, people “moved from door to door asking for food in return for a prayer for the dead,” and they would carry “hollowed-out turnip …
Do Jehovah’s Witnesses Believe They Are the True Religion? | FAQ
Some feel there are many religions, many roads, all leading to salvation. Do Jehovah’s Witnesses agree with that? More importantly, what did Jesus say?
What Do They Believe? - JW.ORG
What Do They Believe? JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES believe in Almighty God, Jehovah, Creator of the heavens and the earth.