Tor missile system - Wikipedia
Originally developed by the Soviet Union under the GRAU designation 9K330 Tor, the system is commonly known by its NATO reporting name, SA-15 "Gauntlet". A navalized variant was developed under the name 3K95 "Kinzhal", also known as the SA-N-9 "Gauntlet".
SA-15导弹 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
每套9K331车载系统是一整套运输、发射、雷达全功能单元(9A331),可以独立完成防空作战,也可集成入更大的防空系统协同作战。 车载8发垂直发射导弹,装在两部容器中,每部容器有4发导弹。 车载现代化的 相控阵 雷达,可跟踪24公里远处的空中目标,最大射程12公里,最小射程100-2000米(各种型号有差异),有效作战高度10-6000米。 9K331车载系统与 9K22通古斯卡 (俄语: Тунгуска)使用相同的GM-569履带式底盘,三名乘员分别是车长、系统操作员、驾 …
道尔防空导弹 - 百度百科
在基本型出现之后,安泰公司又发展了改进型-道尔导弹系统型(俄罗斯代号为9k330/9k331,导弹代号为9m331)。 之后又出现了更先进的道尔M1A与道尔M1T系列。
Anti-aircraft missile system 9K331 Tor-M1 - Missilery.info
The 9K331 "Tor-M1" autonomous self-propelled air defense missile system (SAM) is designed for air defense of motorized rifle and tank divisions in all types of combat operations and in the areas of concentration, protection of the most responsible objects (command posts of communication centers, Radio equipment, bridges, airfields) from the ...
9K330/9K331/9K332 Tor M/M1/M2 Self Propelled Air Defence …
The 9K331 Tor-M1 / SA-15 Gauntlet system, is a highly mobile rapid reaction SAM built to replace the Cold War era SA-8 Gecko system. Like the SA-8 Gecko, the Tor M1 TELAR is a fully self contained package, with a search radar, a monopulse tracking and engagement radar, and a magazine of Automatic Command to Line Of Sight guided missiles.
“道尔”-M1防空导弹 - 《中国大百科全书》第三版网络版
2022年12月27日 · 俄罗斯代号9K331,北约代号SA-15。 主要用于为装甲部队和机械化部队提供伴随空中掩护,也可用于保卫重要目标。 由苏联阿尔玛兹·安泰设计局研发。 是在苏联“道尔”武 …
The 9K330 had only 1 target channel but the improved and first major variant the 9K331 Tor-M1 has 2 target and 4 missile channels. Tor-M1 became the first army air defense system with simultaneous engagement capability with a single fire control radar. This was a great step forward comparing to the Osa’s single target and two missile channels.
Tor-M1 | War Thunder Wiki
The Tor-M1 (GRAU: 9K331; NATO: SA-15 Gauntlet; commonly known in Chinese as 道尔-M1), or more precisely, the 9A331 launcher vehicle, was bought from Russia in the late 1990s by PLAGF and PLAAF air-defence units to fulfil the demand for a field air-defence system. It was later reverse-engineered and improved under the name HQ-17 (红旗-17).
“野战防空大杀器”——简谈红旗-17防空导弹系统 - 知乎
该防空导弹系统采用了更加先进的电脑系统、工作软件、新型昼夜电子光学探测系统和使用新型相控阵天线的目标搜索雷达系统,大大增强了信息处理能力,其火力通道数量在“道尔M1”基础上翻了一番,可同时引导四枚导弹攻击目标。 同时其新研制了更加紧凑的9M338导弹,在将导弹射程提升至15千米的同时,还将每个导弹模块中的导弹数量提升至8枚,这使得“道尔M2”总共可携带16枚导弹,火力密度提升了一倍。 除此之外,俄罗斯还基于6×6的白俄罗斯MKZT-6922高机动轮式 …
Tor 9K331 - Encyclopedia Astronautica
Russian surface-to-air missile. Tor was later improved to the Tor-M1 (9K331) system with the 9M331 missile. AKA: 9K331;9M331;SA-N-9;Tor-M1. Payload: 15 kg (33 lb). Gross mass: 165 kg (363 lb). This version was analogous in capability to the French Crotale, but with double the range, and three times the range of the proposed British Rapier-2000 ...