Tornado (multiple rocket launcher) - Wikipedia
The 9A52-4 Tornado system is based on the chassis of the KamAZ-63501 8×8 military truck, which provides good tactical mobility. It is equipped with a single container with six launcher tubes for 300-mm rockets, which can fire all current Smerch rockets, including HE-FRAG, incendiary, thermobaric, cluster with anti-personnel or anti-tank mines.
俄罗斯9A52-4式旋风多管火箭炮 - 百度百科
9A52-4 Tornado Russian 300mm Multiple Rocket Launcher
The 9A52-4 Tornado is Russia's newest universal multiple rocket launcher. It was designed as a lightweight and universal version of the BM-30 Smerch, dubbed 9A52-2. It was first unveiled in...
Tornado CV 9A52-4 - Army Recognition
The 9A52-4 Tornado is a new 300 mm multiple rocket launcher system developped, designed and manufactured by the Russian Defence Company Motovilikha Plants Coporation. The Tornado is designed for destruction of attacking means, tank, motorized and infantry units, artillery batallions in concentration areas, on march and in combat order, of air ...
9A52-4 Tornado | Military Wiki | Fandom
The 9A52-4 Tornado multiple launch rocket system will be Russia's newest universal MLRS and is designed as a lightweight and universal version of the BM-30 Smerch MLRS, dubbed 9A52-2. It was first unveiled in 2007 as a more strategically and tactically mobile version at …
BM-30龙卷风式火箭炮系统 - 百度百科
该炮被北约称为M1983型,是苏联(包括俄罗斯)最大口径的火箭炮,主要装备苏联军属远程火箭炮兵旅,每旅下辖3个营,每营下属3个连,连各装备3辆9A32型发射车和1辆9T234-2装填-运输车,全旅共27台发射车。 龙卷风火箭炮旅主要担负军作战地域内的火力支援,压制和歼灭有生力量,摧毁装甲目标、炮兵连队,同时也可加强到主要进攻轴线师以提高突击火力密度,打击正面之敌集团军的前沿机场、军师指挥所、仓库。 1989年,更加现代化的9K58-2系统(对外军售时称 …
MLRS Tornado - full review- characteristics
The 9A52-4 Tornado is described by Janes as a lightweight variant of the Tornado-C launcher. This 300mm multiple rocket launcher was first introduced in 2007 and features enhanced strategic and tactical mobility, albeit with some reduction in firepower.
9A52-4 Tornado Wheeled Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS)
Mar 21, 2022 · Since the dark days of World War 2, the Russian (then Soviet) Army has placed a premium on wheeled Multiple Launch Rocket Systems (MLRSs). The trend continues today with the 9A52-4 "Tornado" 8x8 wheeled rocket projector which was adopted in 2011 as an upgrade replacement for the aged BM-21, BM-27 and BM-30 MLRS lines.
俄罗斯展示新型9A52-4式“旋风”轻型多管火箭炮 - 央视网
Sep 13, 2007 · 9A52-4式“旋风”轻型多管火箭炮的新型发射车采用KAMAZ-6350 8×8卡车底盘,发射车上配装有一个可携带6枚火箭弹的发射箱(6根发射管分两排配置,每排3管),该火箭炮可发射现役所有型号的“旋风”火箭弹。 乘员包括驾驶员和车长。 9A52-4发射车长11.2米,宽2.5米,高3.15米,该车连同乘员和已装填火箭弹的发射箱的总重达24650千克。 据悉,该车在松散或松软地面上行走时具有良好的机动性,并可通过空运部署。 装有火箭弹的发射箱重6吨,并可由起重 …
Tornado (multiple rocket launcher) - Wikiwand
The 9A52-4 Tornado system is based on the chassis of the KamAZ-63501 8×8 military truck, which provides good tactical mobility. It is equipped with a single container with six launcher tubes for 300-mm rockets, which can fire all current Smerch rockets, including HE-FRAG, incendiary, thermobaric, cluster with anti-personnel or anti-tank mines.
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